Fantasies Dwell in Darkness

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Title: Fantasies Dwell in Darkness
Author(s): Lisa Joas
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Fantasies Dwell in Darkness is a K/S story by Lisa Joas.

It was published in First Time #1.


"While sharing consciousness, Chapel sees Spockʼs fantasies and his love for Kirk."

Reactions and Reviews

Takes place during the time that Spock's essence is housed within Christine Chapel & Hennoch is occupying Spock's body. Both Henoch & Chapel are able to see Spock's fantasies about Kirk. This forces Spock himself to look at what he has tried to keep buried. The resolution of this excellent story is charming, & the whole is well written, showing the careful devlopment of a really good idea. [1]
