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Fans Flock to Paul

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News Media Commentary
Title: Fans Flock to Paul
Commentator: a reporter in "Arts and Entertainment Observer"
Date(s): June 13, 1991
Venue: print
Fandom: Blake's 7
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Fans Flock to Paul is a 1991 article in "Arts and Entertainment Observer." The reporter is no identified.

The main thrust of the article is the adoration and dedication of female fans for their idols, in this case Paul Darrow who portrayed Kerr Avon in Blake's 7.

The Article

Devoted fans will be travelling thousands of miles to see actor Paul Darrow (Avon of Blake's 7) in Worthing this summer.

One American fan has already booked seats for every performance of the six-week repertory season at the Connaught Theatre.

Members of his British fan club travelled to the Connaught from as far afield as Blackburn, Preston and Derby simply to be at the launch of the season and exchange a few words with their hero.

These young women, some of them mothers with small children, travel the length and breadth of the country to see each new production not once, but 20 or 30 times. They will flock to Worthing in August to spend their summer holidays watching every performance they can. They admit it is expensive -but no more than following a football team to away matches.

They remember every detail of their contacts with him. At the launch Helen Parkinson, from Preston, confided shyly: “It's the anniversary of the first time I spoke to him today. The first time I ever saw him was on January 9, 1978 - the second episode of Blake's 7. He wasn't in the first."

Judith Seaman, of Derby, has researched and documented every single appearance Paul has ever made. He said: "She knows more about my career than I do!"

One American mother is convinced her 18-year-old daughter only recovered from a near-fatal road smash because she was promised a trip to see her idol.

What is his appeal? Helen said: “He's a nice person to talk to. He's friendly. He remembers you and jokes with you." What is the best thing that could happen when they meet? Helen again: "It's always so nice when he has time for a cup of coffee with us."