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A fanlang is a conlang made by fans for fannish purposes. It usually expands upon pre-existing terms in the source material.

The term was introduced by Mia Soderquist in 2006[1] and again by Puey McCleary in 2017.[2]


By "FANLANGS" (is that a word? is that a word yet?) I mean a conlang

created by fans for fannish purposes.

A fanlang could be inspired by a brief naming language in a book. Perhaps a film has a few lines of dialogue. Perhaps the conlang already exists but it just has to be fleshed out or documented.

What makes a good fanlang? And what languages deserve to have their own fanlangs?

Now, I think about this concept quite a bit, since I not only have to look closely at the Martian words that I find (like kadar "guard") but also untranslated concepts which exist but for which I have no Martian ("the

Sarmaks' heat-ray," "the Assassins' Guild of Zodanga," "canals").[2]
