False Starts

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Title: False Starts
Author(s): D.A. Martin
Date(s): 1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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False Starts is a Kirk/Spock story by D.A. Martin.

It was published in the print zine First Time #28.


"Twice, Spock removes the memories from Kirk of their lovemaking because of Kirkʼs reactions of guilt and shame."

Reactions and Reviews


This is an interesting idea, well presented: Spock erasing Kirk's meaory concerning their physical interludes until both men are nature enough to deal with it. Their reactions were in character each tine they were unable to contain their love. [1]

I can't say that I approve of Spock's actions - taking away Kirk's memories of their earlier sexual encounters until the captain was capable of expressing his love. It seems immoral and I don't think the end justifies the means. I also thought this story could have used more warmth and needed a bit more fleshing out. It almost had the feeling of an outline — too much time covered for a mere 10 pages. On the other hand, considering the parameters the author gave herself to work with, I thought this was very well written. [2]

I enjoyed this story and all the first times... or as the title suggests, False Starts. Each of Kirk and Spock's "encounters" was more interesting than the time before. And in each "encounter" Kirk shows a little more of his acceptance of his feelings for Spock. Also, I always enjoy stories that refer to occurrences in the Trek Universe. Makes the stories seem more "real" to me. [3]


Debbie Martin is as always an excellent writer whether she writes stories or poetry. She's a favorite writer of mine and this story is no exception. I think that what I liked best about this story was the growth Kirk showed after each "first time". He travelled from not being able to handle his and Spock's "relationship" to finally having a true loving partnership. Something that both of then needed and wanted. Of course, the road between these two feelings was a rocky one. An excellent story! [4]


Kirk wakes up one morning with mysteriously sore private parts apr6s the amoebae incident. He's also exhausted after all the stimulants McCoy gave him.

WHO'S "HE"? DEPT.- "As he gazed into Spock's face the calm features blurred and Kirk realized with horror that his eyes were filled with tears."

"Shaking hands pulled at stubborn tunics. They parted long enough to tear at the dual obstructions, sighing in contentment as fasteners finally gave way to fumbling attacks." In other words, they took their clothes off.

DISEMBODIED BODY PARTS DEPT- "the exploring mouth", "feeling hands on quivering thighs", "wandering fingers", "the offered hand", "the flushed organ".

"Spock lovingly drank of the flowing seed...." Hey! Did I write this?

"A scattering of bright stars behind closed eyelids and the pulse of lifeblood as he emptied himself into the caressing throat." In other words, he came in his mouth.

"It would take little to tap the well of desire and allow the flood of release." I guess I did write this.

But, sometimes this story works very well. "The love Kirk had declared flowed into Spock's mind like heated wine." And a lovely line that Kirk says: " 'Whether I share my love with you or hold it secret within my heart, it's just as strong.' "

Not bad, at all. [5]
