Encounter & Questions

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Title: Encounter & Questions
Author(s): Patrica D'Orazio
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): gen/het
Fandom(s): Star Wars
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Encounter & Questions is a gen/het Star Wars story by Patricia D'Orazio.

It was printed in Outland Chronicles #3 in 1984.

It was included in an art portfolio of Star Wars original characters (along with Brightstar Universe and Catalyst! Universe in Far Realms #7, but it is unknown if there were other stories in this series.

The story features an original character who is Boba Fett's sister.

art for this story in Far Realms #7, artist is Dani Lane


Long ago, during the middle years of the Republic, the members of the Fett family were guardians of peace and users of the Force. However, disgruntled with the religious trappings of the Jedi, the Fetts abandoned their use of the Force and became, in their own words, honest bounty hunters. Like her father and his father before him, Arokeith Fett is a bounty hunter. Arokeith is the posthumous daughter of Drogo Fett. Drogo, along with his two younger brothers, died under mysterious circumstances after a dard game in a dive called Sleer's Hellhole. Wookiees were blamed for their deaths. In the tradition of the family, Arokeith and her much older brother, Boba Fett, swore to avenge the death of their kin with the blood of Wookiees. Both siblings decorate their armor with the braided pelts of Wookiees they have killed. Although in her early twenties, Arokeith possesses all the skills necessary to succeed in her chosen profession. She has mastered all types of weapons from energy rifles to the small, metal 'throwing stars', the traditional weapon of the Fett family. Her ship, the SLave II, is identical to that of her brother Boba. Arokeith favors black armor, fur, occasionally dressed in an outfit identical to Boba's in order to create confusion over his whereabouts. The deception only works at a distance, however, for Arokeith is considerably shorter than her sibling.

More than twenty years older than his sister, Boba Fett is rather protective of her. He is troubled by her assertion that she has premonitions of danger and can 'hear' trouble coming. A young shocktrooper at the time of the Republic's fall, Boba had eagerly participated in the slaughter of the Jedi and had encouraged his family to collect all the bounties they could on the kin of the Jedi and the Starswords. He is very concerned that his sister may be a kind of throwback to the old Fetts and possess powers that will bring her to the Empire's deadly attention. He does his best to discourage her interest in the Force and the Jedi Knights.

Arokeith first encounters Luke Skywalker when she and her brother are trying to kill Han Solo. Witnessing Luke's use of the Force for defense, Arokeith realizes he not only possesses powers similar to those which puzzle her, but he must understand and be able to control them. During her second meeting with Luke, she sees him being carried off by slavers interested in 'sweet young manflesh'. Not even a ruthless gang, however, can interfere with Arokeith's determination to find out more about the Force.

And, of course, Arokeith is pretty interested in Luke's 'sweet young manflesh' herself.
