Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach

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Name: Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach
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Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach, nicknamed "Iron Klaus," is one of the main characters in the manga From Eroica With Love.

from Guns and Red Roses #2, Heather Bruton (1991)
from Guns and Red Roses #1, Ni Mo Han (1989)

Brief Canon Description

He is a German NATO major from an aristocratic family (his last name means "from the Boar Creek"). He is an extreme Type A personality, highly driven, who expects everyone around him to live up to his high standards. Klaus' father was a tank commander in the German army during WWII, and Klaus' mother died when he was young. Although he claims to be repulsed and horrified by Dorian's advances, he reacts in a similar fashion to nearly every woman who tries to get close to him (in the English translation of volume twelve, Klaus tells Dorian to get married and have children, to which Dorian responds cheerfully, "I will if you will!")



The most common pairing is with Dorian Red Gloria.


Klaus is buttoned up, choleric, and un-PC. He’s a badass, and he’s totally absorbed in his job, but he loves the aesthetic beauty of tanks and well-oiled machines. Klaus’s way of telling his team  ‘I like you, well done’ is to yell at them. Actually, everything Klaus feels comes out as yelling at people—or pointing a gun at them. And this is just what he does to his allies: His enemies, such as KGB officer Misha the Cub get a much worse deal.

Some fans found Klaus' character problematic, and addressed this in their fanworks. In 1989, a fan wrote about a story in Guns and Red Roses #1:

... "Masque for Major" immediately became my favourite presentation of him in fanfic. Her Major is marvelously naked of whitewash to cover his warts, When Barb submitted this story to us, she mentioned that some of the Major's attitudes made her rather uncomfortable and that she wanted to make it clear they weren't the opinions of the author. [1]

His sex-phobic attitude has led to fannish speculation that he may be a highly repressed homosexual, a victim of childhood sexual abuse, or that he may be asexual.

Sample Fanfiction

Sample Art

Fan Comments

  1. ^ from the editorial of Guns and Red Roses #1