Earthsea Ficathon

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Name: Earthsea Ficathon
Date(s): 2004–5, 2009
Moderator(s): Espresso Addict
Founder: Espresso Addict
Type: fanfiction
Fandom: Earthsea
Associated Community: earthsea-fic @LJ
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The Earthsea Ficathon was a ficathon in the Earthsea fandom, based on the books by Ursula Le Guin. Founded and moderated by Espresso Addict, it first ran in 2004–5 and has been repeated once in 2009. It was administered from the Earthsea Fiction community on livejournal. It claimed to be the first ficathon in the fandom,[1] and remains the only fandom-specific one known to Espresso Addict.

The ficathon had no limitations on content, and included gen, het & slash stories of all ratings, based in any of the Earthsea sources. Owing to the small number of participants, no anonymity was attempted.


The first ficathon used an exchange format; participants left prompts and selected the prompt they wished to write, but were assigned to a recipient. The guideline story length was 500 to 1000 words.[2] Stories were posted to the LJ community and were not archived elsewhere.

Prompting occurred in December 2004; the deadline for posting was 14 February 2005, but stories were actually posted between January and August 2005. Four stories were written by four participants.


The second ficathon used a different format: prompts were claimed by participants with no element of an assigned exchange. Multiple claims of a prompt were permitted, as was writing to one's own prompt. There was also no guideline on length.[3] Some participants chose to publish their stories in their private livejournals, rather than directly to the community.

Prompting occurred in April–May 2009. Stories were posted in August 2009. Seven stories were written by five participants.



  1. ^ earthsea-fic: Starting pistol... (accessed 18 August 2014)
  2. ^ earthsea-fic: Ficathonning (accessed 18 August 2014)
  3. ^ earthsea-fic: Opening the Earthsea ficathon 2009 (accessed 18 August 2014)