Eagle in Flight

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You may be looking for The Flight of the Eagle, a Star Trek: TOS gen zine.

Title: 'Eagle in Flight
Author(s): Mary Kay
Date(s): 2012
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: on AO3

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Eagle in Flight is a Star Trek: TOS Kirk/Spock story by Mary Kay.

It was published in the print zine Legends #7.


"A young Kirk and Spock vacation at Kirk's childhood home, not wishing to share their new relationship with anyone just yet. But a mother always knows when her son's in love."

Reactions and Reviews

An interesting "established relationship" story in which a young Kirk and Spock visit Kirk's mother in Iowa during the Academy's Christmas break. This wasn't exactly my kind of story--I guess I have a prejudice against what I call "everyone is happy" stories, beginning with Kirk and Spock being happy in a relationship and nothing really changing during it; also I thought Kirk, even a very young Kirk, would tell his mom about his relationship with Spock long before he brought his Vulcan lover home with him, rather than letting his mother find out about them the way she did. But that's just me. It was still a well- written and enjoyable story, and I liked the portrayal of Kirk's mom, as well as the nice surprise at the end. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #186