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Title: Downshifting
Author(s): thegrrrl2002
Date(s): 04 March 2011
Length: 3,020 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Downshifting (AO3)
Downshifting (LJ)

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Downshifting is a Steve/Danny story by thegrrrl2002.

Summary: Goofy guys in love. And sex.

It is listed in recommendation lists: Taka’s McDanno Rec List links it in the category "Smut".[1]

Recs and Reviews

What a wonderfully delicious, hot, gift of a story that was!!! I love them so silly in love, and the opening part, where they're getting undressed as they talk, was just great - so normal and relaxed, and perfect! And edging. God, how I love edging! You did it soooo, so well!\o/[2]

Oh oh oh, the fondness totally gets me!! I just love how present that is in everything they say and do here. Steve has it just right when he thinks that it's all pretty damn sweet. :D[3]

Oh my, that was so hot (orgasm denial) and ended up with me all melty, "Steve does love him, he loves Danny so much that he's happy and stupid with it and Danny knows it, which may be the best part of all." [4]

::happy whimpers:: This was absolutely gorgeous. I felt as if I was right there with them. Loved the way Steve was so involved in it all, not doing something TO Danny, but doing it with him. Just amazingly real and sweet and hot.[5]

gyzym has expired from glee, but she asked us to pass on this telegram for you:

sfdjsfhdjskfhdjs stop

heart exploding with love stop



You. You are a terrible man," Danny mumbles sleepily, tucking his head against Steve's shoulder.

Steve kisses the top of Danny's head. "I love you, too."

I have a serious love for sweet, gentle Steve who wants to make Danny happy. Even if that means putting off that orgasm for as long as possible. :)[7]

asdkfjhalskdfh oh, oh, oh, I love how desperately fond they are of each other! Annoying, naked, annoying man! And Steve patting Danny's chest because that's all he can manage, and Danny holding his hand there asdjhflakshdf hot and affectionate and oh boys![8]


  1. ^ soulkiss1520. Taka’s McDanno Rec List, Updated: 03/06/2015. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  2. ^ mezzo_cammin. Comment, 04 March 2011. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  3. ^ dogeared. Comment, 04 March 2011. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  4. ^ d_odyssey. Comment, 05 March 2011. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  5. ^ janedavitt. Comment, 05 March 2011. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  6. ^ gyzym. Comment, 045 March 2011. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  7. ^ imkalena. Comment, 05 March 2011. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  8. ^ sheafrotherdon. Comment, 05 March 2011. (Accessed 02 June 2016)