Don't Remember Where I Was When the Feeling Changed

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Title: Don't Remember Where I Was When the Feeling Changed
Author(s): MyMayura, ReminiscentLullaby, and Blaize_Night
Date(s): June 6, 2020
Length: 9637 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
External Links: [1], archived vers.
[2], archived vers.

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Don't Remember Where I Was When the Feeling Changed is a GabeNath fanfiction written for the GabeNath Mini Bang. It is rated T for Teen And Up Audiences. It has tags for Canon Universe, Angst with a Happy Ending, and Mild Blood. The fic was beta-read by theunnamedavatar and art was provided by theredeyeswolf.

Originally, the GabeNath Mini Bang was one writer short for 1-to-1 artist-writer matching. The mods decided to amend this by putting together a team of writers to write one additional fic. MyMayura, ReminiscentLullaby, and Blaize_Night all rose to the occasion, writing this fanfiction on a limited timeline and still exceeding the minimum wordcount requirements.

Don't Remember Where I Was when the Feeling Changed banner.png


A mysterious potion backfires on Gabriel, causing a strange side effect that he and Nathalie struggle to make sense of. As they work to find a solution and classify the unknown concoction, Gabriel realizes the answer may not reside in the translated grimoire, but in his own heart.

It terrifies him.


By July 2020, Don't Remember Where I Was When the Feeling Changed had 25 comments, the majority of which were positive. A few are included below:

Glittering Gabriel was a nice touch. Subtle and meaningful. About Nathalie, it was expected and heartbreaking to see her avoiding his eyes. But you twisted the mood with this line 👇🏼 it was so startling and absurd.

“Pleased?” [...] “Oh, listen to yourself. You have changed. We should finish this antidote. We have everything we need now.” One of the things I like most is to see insecure Gabriel in regards to Nathalie's feelings for him. It is good to see her in command, and you nailed that too. The end was pure sweetness. Thank you.


This was such a wonderful ending fic to the GabeNath Minibang! ;-; <3

Oh goodness, this gave me so many soft feelings, and then the ending! Okay, getting a bit ahead of myself. The way Gabriel and Nathalie interacted with each other just warmed me inside and out, and all the little soft details just hit me when I was weak. Duusu and Nooroo were wonderful additions that I can't help but give some love to, and oh goodness I loved reading them so much. But the last lines... HHHH they were so adorable, and oh goodness, thank you three so much for teaming up to write such a sweet fic! Thank you for this, and thank you for participating in the GabeNath Minibang ;-; <3! Incredible job on this story! Keep up the wonderful work! :)


I like see this two working together, so natural for they and full of complicity. Of course Gabriel had to need a glitter potion by accident to light up his blinding feelings.

