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Moresome · Ship · Pairing
Relationship: The Doctor/Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler
Alternative name(s): DoctorJackRose, NineJackRose, TenJackRose
Gender category: F/M/M or non-binary, Poly
Fandom: Doctor Who
Canonical?: Semi-canon
Prevalence: Somewhat common
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Doctor/Jack/Rose is the semi-canon poly ship between The Doctor, Jack Harkness, and Rose Tyler from Doctor Who. The most popular version of this triad is with the Ninth Doctor, with whom both Rose and Jack were companions of. However there are also a great number of fanworks that feature the Tenth Doctor.


Jack and Rose travel together with the Ninth Doctor and each return as companions in further iterations. In one memorable scene, Jack says his goodbyes by kissing each of them on the lips, and he's generally interpreted as having been in love with both of them. Rose also shows interest in both Jack and the Doctor, and the Doctor is debatably interested in both of them in return.


Fanworks usually center either the Ninth or Tenth Doctor. Although rare, one can find other iterations of The Doctor shipped with Jack and Rose, for example Eleven and Thirteen.

Example Fanworks





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