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Journal Community
Name: Discovered in a Livejournal: A Professionals challenge community
Date(s): July 13, 2006 – present
Moderator: byslantedlight and empty_mirrors
Founder: byslantedlight and empty_mirrors
Type: challenges
Fandom: The Professionals
URL: discoveredinalj at LiveJournal

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discoveredinalj is a slash and gen-friendly LiveJournal community for challenges focused on The Professionals.

According to one fan, it was founded because the safehouse discontinued Challenges:

So byslantedlight and I have been missing the the_safehouse Challenges recently, and so we decided to play on our own while they're getting back on their feet. This week we challenged each other, and I was given bellydance, a candle and snow as my things to include. These are my results. We're going to play again on Wednesday – if anyone else would like to join in, please comment on empty_mirrors lj on Wednesday. Non-fandom specific, but we'd encourage everyone to post to their own ljs/comms!

kiwisue at the_safehouse lj comm [1]

The first challenge was announced on 15 March 2006 and it was "The National Curriculum Challenge - Geography". The challenge announcements alternated between empty_mirrors and byslantedlight's ljs.[1]

The community has also created its own Pros zines, which can be accessed on the community's profile page, under the name DIALj Bound Zines:

DiaLJ Bound I: Discovered on a Gangplank.
DiaLJ Bound I zine info at palelyloitering
in response to Discovered On A Gangplank Challenge for International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2006
Content Author Other source/s
The Pirate of Penzance Callisto
Brethren of the Coast Rebelcat
Three Bells PFL
Discovered In A Car Thora Arwin
Just Enough Rope Slantedlight
Three Bells PFL
Tick Tock Josey
Icon Art Shaw012145
Cover Art and Challenge Icon Josey
  • DiaLJ Bound II: Discovered on All Hallow's Eve.
  • DiaLJ Bound III: Discovered in a Skyrocket.
  • DiaLj Christmas Special 2007
  • DiaLj Christmas Special 2008
  • Dialj Christmas Special 2009
  • Dialj Christmas Special 2010


discoveredinalj is a seasonal Pros slash* and gen-friendly community dedicated to celebrating halloween, christmas and various other festivals, large and small, as the mood takes us, with our lads - Bodie, Doyle, and the Professionals.

Although there are other places to post Prosfic, art and general homage to the boys, we thought it would be nice to have a community where people could play with challenges and post their own work to those challenges, resulting in occasional little flurries of Pros-goodness to flists across lj. The idea is to have fun, to be inspired and inspiring to others, and to bring a little more Pros into the world - can't be bad, right?

We will post challenges as ideas and celebrations arise (and with a decent space of time for people to respond properly) and for most of these it will simply be a case of commenting to say that you would like to join in, and then posting your fic/art/commentary/creation/whatever! on the appropriate day. Specifics will always be explained in the Challenge Post. Ideas for new challenges are happily received - do email either of the mods at the email addresses below.

Although you don't need to be a member to comment at the comm, in order to post you do need to join the community. If you don't have a livejournal and would like to post, then please send your submissions to either of the mods at the email addresses [...]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b "the_safehouse: Some Pros on lj history". 2010-06-09. Archived from the original on 2012-12-02.