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Digital Vidding on a Budget

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Title: Digital Vidding on a Budget
Creator: rwreed?
Date(s): earliest archived date is Dec 18, 1999
Medium: website
Topic: vidding
External Links: Digital Vidding on a Budget, Archived version
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Digital Vidding on a Budget is an early online guide for fans wanting to get started in digital vidding. The first date archived on the WayBack Machine is December 18, 1999. The author's identity is not known, but the guestbook was listed under the name 'rwreed'.


Computers - New to the whole idea of digital vidding and want to know what kind of system you'll need to pull it off? Then look at the Computers Section and I'll tell you everything you need to know and to have.

Capture Cards - You could spend thousands on a capture card, but why would you? Check out the Capture Card Section, I review the low end of capture cards and give my opinion. Plus, for those of you who do have a few more bucks to spend, I talk about a couple of the higher end cards too.

Software - Once you get the hardware, its virtually useless without the software. There's a lot of products out there, but some it is not really designed for vidding. Head over to the Software Section to look at my reviews of the software I've used and a couple of great shareware can't-live-without programs.

The Future - Want to look into the crystal ball and see what's coming down the pike? Then The Future Section is for you. Here I review the things that are going to change our lives from next month to the next millennium.