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Title: Details
Author(s): Dana Austin Marsh and Phaedra Morgan
Date(s): 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Details is a Kirk/Spock story by Dana Austin Marsh and Phaedra Morgan.

It was published in the print zine KaleidoScope #8.


"Kirk gives Spock precise instructions."

Reactions and Reviews


This is a delightful story, artfully woven around one of my favorite K/S themes: “‘Uh oh,' [Kirk] muttered, recognizing by the gleam in Spock's eyes that his lover had been researching human sexuality again." Spock wants Kirk to be more specific in his vocal responses to Spock's, ahem, ministrations. In other words, details. Kirk attempts to grant this request, Spock complains about descriptions that are too vague, and the results are hilarious. And, for the most part, the characterizations felt true. I'm sorely tempted to quote my favorite parts, but that would mean re-typing almost the entire story. And I don't want to deprive anyone of the fun of experiencing some delicious wordplay in context. Be prepared for giggles, guffaws, snorts, and explosive laughter. I also have to commend Dana and Phaedra on consistency of tone. They have a wonderfully light touch, a little silly and slightly irreverent, and they maintain it throughout the story. No lapses into lush prose that, however lovely, would be inappropriate to this tasty vignette. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #25