Deep Blue Heart

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Title: Deep Blue Heart
Author(s): Barbara
Date(s): 2003
Length: 21 chapters
Genre(s): het suspenser
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Deep Blue Heart, Turn the Page

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Deep Blue Heart is a Hanson fanfic written by Barbara.

The story begins with a plane crash happening near the isolated location where Taylor is staying after his divorce. He rescues the lone survivor, and soon realizes that he knows her. As the two reconnect, they struggle to solve the mystery of why they lost contact in the first place.

Reactions and Reviews

Although it still strains credulity a bit, the plot is complex enough to keep me guessing and never quite coming up with the right answer. Done right, as Barbara has, that sort of suspense keeps readers turning the page (figuratively speaking).[1]

Barbara writes like a big girl. Big girl plots and big girl characters. And she’s consistently written interesting plots that are original and believable. She was a welcome addition to fanfic, and I try weekly to talk her into writing more…still working on it! Be sure and read Deep Blue Heart, it's amazing.[2]

What ensues is a wonderfully complicated plot with madmen, murder, understanding, and not so understanding family and a little romance thrown in for good measure. Barbara always tries to keep the romance out, but she’s so good at it, I’m always glad that she never succeeds. Her heroine, Justice, has been in trouble many times and it not quite sure where it all came from. As we find out more about the ties she has with the Hanson family, and Taylor, the storyline really heats up. The brothers are supporting characters here, Taylor isn’t the only Hanson present. So, Zac and Isaac fans, don’t pass this one up because it’s a “Taylor story”![3]


Deep Blue Heart is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame, as well as the Your Illusion top 5 lists.
