DAW Books

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Name: DAW Books
Date(s): 1971-present
Profit/Nonprofit: profit
Country based in: New York, USA
Focus: Science Fiction and Fantasy fiction
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DAW Books is a professional publishing company founded in 1971 by Donald A. Wollheim, a science fiction fan who was a founding member of the Futurians in the 1930s. DAW was the first publisher to publish only science fiction and fantasy.

It also published many books by writers who began their careers writing fan fiction. Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mercedes Lackey are just two of these authors.

See DAW Darkover Anthologies. Also see the infamous Gor series.

In 2013, fanwriter and zine editor, Deb Walsh, commented on a Kill the Dead zine titled Ghyste Mortua she had been planning to publish:

Oh, this one was painful. Based on Tanith Lee's Kill the Dead novel, which Blake's 7 actor Paul Darrow declared was based on the characters of Avon and Vila, this zine was going to be my masterpiece. I had amazing stories - oh, fabulous stuff. Gorgeous art. It was going to be massive. I was exploring special black mailing envelopes, and I was designing a special insignia to use for wax seals on the envelopes. And I got involved in a very pleasant letter correspondence with the publisher of Daw Books, Donald A. Wolheim. Lovely man. I think I may have written originally to find out if there was any chance that Kill the Dead might be reprinted, because at the time it was becoming very hard to find. I mentioned the zine, he was thrilled. He mentioned the zine to Ms. Lee, she was appalled. She was very concerned at that moment in time that any hint that her novel - which was currently out of print - might be construed as stepping on BBC copyright. The zine died a sudden and definitive death. Much of the work I'd accepted found its way into other zines, but I could not publish it. -- My Life in Fandom - Deb Walsh's Zines - Planned Titles That Didn't Happen, Archived version, see more about similar zines at TPTB's Involvement and Interference)
