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Pairing: Danny Mahealani/Jackson Whittemore
Alternative name(s): Dackson, Janny
Gender category: M/M
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: fairly common as a background pairing in fanworks
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Danny/Jackson or Dackson is the non-canonical relationship between Danny Mahealani and Jackson Whittemore from the television show Teen Wolf.


Danny and Jackson were best friends, presumably from childhood, until Jackson moved away at the end of season 2.


Shipping of the two started almost immediately back in season one. While Danny is out as gay, Jackson states that he's straight; however, according to many fans, there is a ton of built up chemistry. This includes one particularly charged conversation between Danny and Jackson where Danny states that Jackson's not his type, and Jackson replies, "I'm everyone's type." This scene has been gif'd and photoset'd many a time. Later, Jackson is reintroduced to the series. It is during this time that the audience found out that Jackson is dating Danny's ex-boyfriend Ethan Steiner, which got many of the original shippers of Danny/Jackson back on board even though Danny was no longer in the series. This also caused some to start shipping Danny/Ethan/Jackson.

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