Dagger of the Soul

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Title: Dagger of the Soul
Author(s): Natasha Solten
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Dagger of the Soul is a Kirk/Spock story by Natasha Solten.

It was first published in the print zine Act 5 #1.

Reactions and Reviews


Dagger of the Soul, N. Solten, is based on the episode concerning the use of the tantalus field against Kirk. He is now having horrible after shocks from it, and nightmares. He seeks out the comfort of Spock. Spock is shown as always being there to help. Spock tries to hide his love for Kirk, but eventually, with one of Solten's usual wonderful endings, she again wraps up the story with an extremely moving end. I greatly enjoyed reading this because it focused on their emotional feelings far each other, rather than their sexual ones. A lot of depth, and the ending was loving and strong. [1]


Kirk distrusts doctors and even McCoy after "Dagger of the Mind'. This is a very interesting premise, and it's also a wonderful idea to have Kirk go to Spock to talk about this, but I do assume that Kirk would eventually have to confront McCoy with this problem so that they could deal with it honestly. I would love to see a sequel in which this happened. [2]


Dagger of The Soul by Natasha Solten explores how the mind-emptying device at the Tantalus Penal Colony might have affected Kirk and it is very convincing. Spock characteristically notices his captain‘s preoccupation and moves in to help with an invitation to dinner. 'The soft, low baritone washed Kirk in waves of contentment. It was as though Spock were the only person on board the ship with him, the only person he knew, a lifeline.” It‘s clear Kirk feels an unnatural loneliness and does not want to be left alone, a fact he doesn‘t admit. His attempts at sleep bring only memories of the searing emptiness and when he awakens he realizes in horror that the machine still has a piece of his mind, an awareness that takes him almost unwittingly to the door of Spock‘s cabin. Here is the very scene we all would like to have experienced on-screen. Spock shows great tenderness and concern by helping Kirk drift off to sleep in his bed and watching over him through the night. The scene repeats itself over the next few nights with the expected result that they discover love hidden just beneath the surface. [3]


5/5: This was great. The ending made me feel all soft and fluffy on the inside. The beginning was a really interesting look at the episode that led to this fic. Overall, a very good story.[4]
