Crossroads (Harry Potter story)

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Title: Crossroads
Author(s): Emmyjean
Date(s): 7 August 2002 - July 2005 (revision)
Length: 123,903 words (14 chapters)
Genre(s): het romance/angst
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Crossroads at The Hidden Tower
Crossroads at

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Crossroads is a Harry Potter fanfiction novel by Emmyjean. It is a Lily/James story set in the Marauders era.

The original story was published before the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and the story was later revised to fit the new canon introduced in it. (See the author's note.)

Casca wrote a Harry/Ginny companion piece to Crossroads called Cupid's Arrow, which was also posted at the Hidden Tower.


This fic is often considered a James/Lily fandom classic and has generally received very positive reviews. One fan described it as "a very unique take on the story that has been beat to death in fanfiction,"[1] and another says:

Emmyjean's Crossroads... is lovely, a long James/Lily tale that takes all of the love/hate, teenage romance cliches that abound in that pairing, and turns them into something deep and special that will forever define Harry's parents to anyone who reads it.[2]

Crossroads was also nominated for an Hourglass Award in the category "Life Changing Drama" in 2005.[3]

It received attention outside fandom when it was listed as one of the top four "must read" Harry Potter fan stories by Time magazine in the summer of 2011.[4]

Further Reading


  1. ^ flowrs4ophelia. Fanfiction Recommendation: "Crossroads" (Harry Potter). 02 August 2005. (Accessed 04 May 2011.)
  2. ^ seanachais. fanfic links: harry potter. Updated 04/24/2010. (Accessed 04 May 2011.)
  3. ^ nitwitinperil in hourglassawards. updates & information. 18 March 2005. (Accessed 04 May 2011.)
  4. ^ The Boy Who Lived Forever By Lev Grossman Thursday, July 07, 2011.