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Title: Cowboy
Creator: sisabet
Date: Feb 2003
Format: digital, Windows Media Player
Length: 4:22m
Music: Kid Rock
Fandom: Angel
URL: vid link, Archived version

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Cowboy is an Angel fanvid by sisabet. At the time it was made, it was one of the rare vids that used rap music. The vid appears frequently on fannish rec lists. It can also be found on The WOAD Society/The Long and Winding WOAD Disk 1 DVD.

Vidder's summary: "Ridin' at night 'cause I sleep all day. The deep proclamation made by this vid? Angel is hot. And a pimp. That is pretty much it."


  • "One of those vidders who for me, captures Angel so well." ~ feedback at buffyversetop5 LJ community.
  • "My favourite moment from any vid, ever, is the line "remorse for the sheriff" in Sisabet's 'Cowboy', with the clip of Wesley hammering the coffin. I'm not sure why, except that the timing on that is just amazing, but I love that." ~ feedback in a fan's LJ.
  • "This is a very pretty, very clever look at Angel. If Angel were a slut. Which he is. Technical brilliance, great clips, the perfect melding of clips to song- all of it combines to produce one of my favorite videos. Plot? We don’t need no stinking plot!" ~ feedback at
  • "This classic Angel vid defies expectations in every way. It takes a certain cracked view to take an inane Kid Rock song about, well, pimping and make it work for a crime-fighting vampire with a soul, but sisabet does just that. She takes lyrics which might have been intended to have another meaning and lines them up with footage in such a way that twists them into having a whole new Angel-based interpretation. sisabet also finds comedy in unexpected places." ~ feedback at a fan's LJ.