Cotton Tail

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Title: Cotton Tail
Author(s): zeen
Date(s): 11 December 2012
Length: 10,948 words
Genre(s): backstory, missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on AO3

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"Cotton Tail" is a novelette by zeen based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It shows events from Bunny's perspective.


When Bunny hears that Alec's old flame has turned up, he doesn't expect it to be the new man on the course he's teaching—still less that Ralph's own lost love will return from the dead to turn everything upside down.


"Cotton Tail" was written as a gift for Oshun in Yuletide 2012, with the following posted in Oshun's Dear Author letter:

"The Charioteer request is straight forward. Bunny paired with anyone would be great. I would like some insight into Bunny that is not: Bunny = a disgusting monster, cardboard villain. Something had to have been attractive about Bunny, if not, how could Ralph (and half the people they knew) have slept with him. IMO Bunny would be best served with a little humor also. I would love to hear Bunny expound on anyone also. Bunny as a POV character could be awesome."

Since Bunny is a nickname, the author gives him the full name "Peter Eustace", mentioning that he considers his first name to be "dull".

The story was beta'ed and Brit-picked by Elleth and Sharpiefan.


"Cotton Tail" elicited a number of comments, including the following:

  • "I am in a state of shock and awe. This is a marvelous Bunny fic. I have been wanting one for years. You really got into his head space--ah, and what a place that is!! [...] Bunny is not stupid and a great number of Bunny's reflections on people ring true, and I understand some of his reactions and responses also. I end up with an odd kind of sympathy almost. Too bad, as Alex says so aptly, it is too much to expect him to learn from his mistakes?"—comment by Oshun
    • "I think we all have our inner-Bunnys that we don't dare let out to play. I would certainly agree that he isn't stupid -- you don't cause that much damage by being stupid! I'm glad he got an odd kind of sympathy from you, that was really what I was looking for."—response by zeen
  • "Good going for being daring (and inventive) enough to be willing to try championing the 'villain' of the novel."—comment by Naraht
  • "Renault's vilification of Bunny always felt uncomfortable to me - it's as though there's supposed to be something inherently, automatically repulsive about him in a way that I can't quite get behind. It was wonderful to have this thoughtful, nuanced look into his side of events. Very well done."—comment by Assimbya