Codes of Honour

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Title: Codes of Honour
Author(s): Jane of Australia
Date(s): 1992
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Codes of Honour is a Bodie/Doyle story by Jane of Australia.

It was published in Full Circle #1.

Reactions and Reviews

In "Codes of Honour" Arthur and Kai were perhaps a little more romantic than I would have made them, but not excessively so, and they were clearly Arthur and Kai as we know them, which is quite an achievement for someone writing without the benefit of recordings. I thought the sex was well written, and fitted the setting. The whole thing was well put together and the political problems carefully thought through, and brought to a typical 'Arthur' conclusion. Definitely worth more than one read.[1]

First of all, I must confess that I'm not a fan of the Pros (not yet, anyway, not having seen the series yet, but I will ASAP), so my point of view may seem weird on this comm... However, I'm a fan of 'Arthur of the Britons', and this is why I enjoyed Jane's story, "Codes of Honour", a lot.

Perhaps an AU story is quite unusual in the Pros fandom, but at least, I can say that it is very faithful to the AotB universe. Jane takes great care with this well-defined Dark Ages world and respects the atmosphere and the political plots: it is obvious that her drawing of it is a work of love, detailed with much care and a wonderful attention to details (which is not adverse to correcting some obvious flaws in the original series: for instance, Rowena, the Jute princess who is the main focus of the story journeys with an attendant and a warrior, while in the show she has a tendency to rides alone, even for dangerous distances.)

At first, the Baedann and Derai characters don’t seem that much instrumental to the story (which is a very cunning Arthurian political mediation), but their influence on and friendship to Arthur and Kai are an integral part of the story… [2]

Codes of Honour, by Jane. Crossover with Arthur of the Britons. 10 pages. Arthur of the Britons was a British series in the seventies which was set in the Dark Ages rather than the usual fantasy version of twelfth century. Long hair, horses, mud-wrestling in the first episode, someone tied up against a big rock with not much on later in the series, you can see the attraction. This story is billed as a follow-up to East Wind Blowing, a Jane story in Fantazine 4 which I had not read when I read this one. I didn't need to. I did need to pay attention, though, to follow the goings-on. Arthur must mediate between feuding factions, most of whom are canon characters in Arthur of the Britons. The Professionals link appears in the form of Baedann and Derai (known as 'Rai'...), two warriors from 'the north'. They don't have a lot to do in this; it's much more an AotB story. I asked for a second opinion from an AotB fan: trepkos enjoyed it, and may be along later to comment.[3]


  1. ^ by trepkos on December 31, 2013 at Discovered in a Livejournal
  2. ^ by drusilla 951 on January 8, 2014 at Discovered in a Livejournal
  3. ^ by moonlightmead on December 31, 2013 at Discovered in a Livejournal