Christmas in Brooklyn

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Title: Christmas in Brooklyn
Author(s): Heidi Patacki
Date(s): December 5, 2000 - April 14, 2001
Length: 43,308 words (6 Chapters)
Genre(s): Drama, Het - Arnold/Helga, Rated T
Fandom(s): Hey Arnold!
External Links: FFN URL

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Christmas in Brooklyn is a Helga/Arnold fic by Heidi Patacki.


"... She was still Helga and he was still Arnold: the enemies, the lovers, the eternal paradox..."


"Dragged back to the old neighborhood as her life falls to pieces, Helga finds herself swept up in Arnold again."

Reactions & Reviews

"The first fic I read in this fandom and still one of my favorites, in any fandom. It will break your heart into a million tiny pink pieces and then put it back together again.[1]"

"My God! What can I say? I really loved your fic from the beginning, and the end delighted me in so many ways because I had a similar experience... I've realized that in most of the stories everything is seen through pink colored glasses and had a happy ending, but I loved this because it felt more real, more authentic...[2]"


  1. ^ poisonivory at Move It, Football Head! - A Helga/Arnold Manifesto (Hey Arnold!). Apr. 17th, 2009.
  2. ^ nova por siempre. FFN review. April 14, 2014.