Changes (Buffy story)

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Title: Changes
Author(s): Tabaqui
Date(s): 2003 - ??
Length: 444,336
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Author's Website (archived). The Spander Files, Ao3

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Changes is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic by Tabaqui pairing Spike/Xander. On the author's website, Changes is described as "a re-telling, starting at season four and going through the end of season seven and beyond". Originally this work was posted at Tabaqui's personal Livejournal and their author site Scarecrow Horses and also at The Spander Files fanfiction archive. The author later archived her work at Ao3.

The Spander Files summary for this fic read:

Xander's life changes when first Spike and then Oz move in with him

Reviews and Reception

This is a Classic Spike/Xander story, anyone that likes the ship should read this fic. It's one of my go to fics when I want to re-read a BtVS fic. This fic is almost always on any 'rec list' given to Spander Newbies. ;) It's one of those stories that once you start reading, you just can't stop and you never want it to end. It has a compelling plot and is beautifully written. Don't let the Hyena!Xander or the Soldier!Xander throw you off, it's not a creature!fic.[1]

Related & Inspired


  1. ^ Changes by Tabaqui (NC-17) recommended at epic_recs by arenee1999, July 3 2012. Accessed April 22 2024.