Change of Scene

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Title: Change of Scene
Author(s): Melanie Athene
Date(s): first draft was July 1984-October 29, 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Change of Scene is a PG-13 Starsky/Hutch 28-page story by Melanie Athene.

It was not published in a print zine, and has not been posted online. It was a drawerfic that was passed around a circuit of friends.

Summary of the Story

Hutch awakens naked from a drugged sleep and finds himself in a strange basement. The last thing he remembers is going to Pine Lake with Starsky for an week's long vacation at Dobey's cabin. His captors turn out to be thugs for a man he and Starsky put away seven years ago. The man has captured Starsky and Hutch for revenge, an evil plot with the threat of gangrape, and then a fuck or die focus. The story starts off as violently dramatic, and moves into quippy humor. The main bad guy is so moved by their tender PG-13 performance that he gives them a copy of the videocassette as he leaves so Starsky & Hutch as a memento of their love. On the way back to the city, the bad guys' car is involved in a fiery crash, and all the thugs are killed. Starsky sends the video to his mother for safekeeping, as he doesn't want thugs to break in and find it, telling Hutch his mother doesn't have a VCR so she'll never watch the tape.

The First and Last Page