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Chamber Cameos

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You may be looking for The Cameo Collection.

Title: Chamber Cameos
Publisher: B&B Upstate Underground
Editor(s): editor: Bernadette Elander, staff: Margaret Mansfield and Inez Paskal
Date(s): 1990-1991
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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Chamber Cameos is a Beauty and the Beast (TV) fiction anthology. It has the subtitle: "Fantasies and Fables of Beauty and the Beast."

Each issue ran about 60 pages.

In first year of publication, the zine had twelve issues issued in twelve months.

The second year, the zine went bi-monthly and there were six issues.


Chamber Cameos was published monthly [in the first year] and contained some stores that continued throughout the year. Although considered a Classic zine, several stories are post 3rd season but all are resolved happily by Issue #12. A wide variety of story lines are covered, including fantasy, childhood, Classic and SND. New characters are introduced and old favorites are spotlighted. Diana appears in some stories as a friend. Some people may have trouble reading the reduced type, especially in those issues where the type is light. [1]

Originally a monthly fiction zine (volume one, 1-12, with roses on the covers); then published bimonthly (volume two, 1-6, with portraits of Vincent and Catherine on the covers). Continuing story lines and additional independent stories introduce many new characters and explore those we know. The series as a whole is Classic, Continued Classic, and SND. Mansfield and Paskal appear in each issue; additional contributors as noted. Often reprints of poems by recognizable poets. When serials are involved, CC provides summaries of earlier episodes. [2]

Comments in the First Issue

From the editor, Bernadette:

Beauty and the Beast has touched us all each in a special way. Vincent, Catherine, Father, Mouse, Mary, Pascal, Jamie, and all the other wonderful characters will live forever in our hearts and minds. They have been true friends to us, and they have taught us many lessons. Vincent has given us hope, courage, compassion, and the ability to trust - even when we are unsure and afraid. Catherine has given faith to those of us who have lost it along life's way. And Father has taught us tolerance and acceptance. We thank them for these gifts, but most of all, we thank them for their love.

We at Chamber Cameos hope that everyone who reads the stories and poems within these pages will read them with love, (or they were written with much love. They are our gift to you.

V.1 N.1

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.1 was published in 1990 and contains 72 pages.

cover of issue #1, Bernadette Elander

The editor was Bernadette Elander. The staff was Margaret Mansfield and Inez Paskal. Proofreaders were Brette O'Connell and Karen Morgia. The art was by Bernadette Elander, Inez Paskal, David Ringholz, and Susan Thielman.

The editor promised that all continuing stories would be wrapped up in the first year.

From comments by Margaret Mansfield:

In all the myriad ways we usually hear about -- and then some-- Beauty and the Beast has completely changed my life. Toward the end of third season when the fur was flying hot and heavy, I found myself becoming depressed, concerned, and outraged. Something was wrong in fandom. All around me heated debates were in progress.

In every zine I could get my hands on, people were pouring out their pain, along with a lot of other -drek-, which I'm sure since time has passed, some are sorry they wrote. In certain situations, some things are better left unsaid. In the midst of all of this, I grew more and more bewildered. Where would it all end? Was it really over? First I lost Catherine. Then they canceled our show. Finally the ultimate horror -- my new found family was in serious jeopardy. What else could happen? Plenty.

Not knowing what else to do, with so much pain and sorrow bottled up inside, I put pen to paper and lo and behold a whole new world opened up for me, a world where all the things I had wished for Vincent and his Catherine for so long could finally come true. Stories started pouring forth. I couldn't write fast enough. The writing has overtaken my life, adding new purpose and meaning, filling every nook and cranny -- spilling into areas where it probably shouldn't be. The last four months have been some of the most fulfilling, satisfying, and joyous of my life.

To those of you who accepted third season, you should have no trouble reading and hopefully enjoying my stories. To those of you who couldn't find it in your heart to be comfortable with third season, I understand completely. My heart aches for you, and I wish there were something I could say or do to make it better for you. I must confess, I didn't understand your position at first. But as time goes on and I rewatch the wonder and beauty of the first two seasons, something big wells up in me, and I too ache and agonize over what they did to our lovers. So to you especially, I say read my stories and keep the faith. It's not over till the last chapter of the story is written.

Anything can happen when one puts pen to paper. Down the road when all my stories begin to tie in, I'm confident you'll be pleasantly surprised.


  • Thoughts and Theories by Bernadette
  • Comments by Margaret Mansfield
  • Chamber Cameos (2)
  • Family Portrait (10)
  • poem by Carole Mayberry (11)
  • Out of the Darkness, part one, fiction by Margaret Mansfield (12)
  • poem by Carole Mayberry (20)
  • Heaven's Gift, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Catherine discovers an old manuscript translated by her grandfather from a book her mother was given by her father which proves that she and Vincent lived long ago under different names.") (also in Rhapsody, also a standalone] as Heaven's Gift) (21)
  • The Kiss, Dear Maid, poem by Lord Gordon Byron (52)
  • Mutual Longings, fiction by Donna Vasquez (53)
  • poem by Carole Mayberry (57)
  • The Balcony, part one, fiction by Margaret Mansfield (58)
  • Coming Attractions (72)

V.1 N.2

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.2 was published in 1990.

  • Cameo, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Fertile Thoughts, poem
  • It Is and Always Shall Be, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Vincent tearfully kissed his beloved Catherine goodbye -- he had to leave her, dawn was fast approaching. Catherine Chandler was on her way to a new life." Also: "S3--SND--Catherine survives the morphine injection but has memory loss and cannot speak, she struggles to recover her memory and health.") (also in Rhapsody)
  • Vincent, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Out of the Darkness, part two, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("While Catherine helps Father care for Vincent Above [3], in the world she has forsaken, Joe is frantic about the whereabouts of his missing co-worker. He searches her apartment hoping to find a clue, any clue, and finds more than he bargained for -- her diary.")
  • The Precious Gift, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Friends in Need, fiction by Margaret Mansfield (Origin story of how Jamie came to the tunnels. "The girl was frantic. She was only fourteen -- but she had to get away from him. But where would she go? What would she do? It seemed as if there were no one left to help, and he was getting closer.")
  • Alone, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • The Balcony, conclusion, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("Martha fretted and worried. She had not seen Vincent for days. She hoped he was well and would visit soon. But the hoped for knock on the balcony door didn't come -- not that night or the nights after.")
  • Coming Attractions

V.1 N.3

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.3 was published in July 1990, in time for TunnelCon.

  • Cameos, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Shangri-La, poem by Patricia Peters
  • Destiny, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("S3: Vincent discovers his parents were from the mythical city of Shangri-La and he returns there to see what the city is like and learn more about his people.")
  • Tenderness, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Mouse and Maytag, fiction by Linda Mooney ("Mouse discovers the wonders of a washing machine and wants to bring one Below.")
  • Out of Sight, poem by Inez Paskal
  • Interlude, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Young Cathy runs into a shadowy Vincent after being told she can't go to Connecticut with her friend for the summer.")
  • Quandary, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Out of the Darkness, part 3, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("Joe continues to read Catherine's diary---trying to figure out what's going on in her life.")
  • One, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • It Is and Always Will Be, part two, fiction by Inez Paskal
  • Coming Attractions

V.1 N.4

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.4 was published in 1990 and contains 64 pages

cover of issue #4

It doesn't list an editor, but instead the staff is Margaret Mansfield, Bernadette Elander, Inez Paskal, and Lore Westcott.

The art is by Sandra Parker, Inez Paskal, David Ringholz, Susan Thielmann, and Donna Vazquez.

  • Chamber Cameos (2)
  • Hand With Crystal, art by Sandra Parker (10)
  • What Really Matters, poem by Carole Mayberry (11)
  • Maybe They Will Keep Me, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("An unwanted child finds love and acceptance in the tunnel community.") (12)
  • Memory by Abraham Lincoln (17)
  • Serenity, fiction by Donna Vasquez ("Devin is coerced into helping Vincent deal with his physical differences in an unusual and humorous way.") (18)
  • poem by Carol Mayberry (26)
  • It Is and Always Will Be, fiction, conclusion by Inez Paskal ("Catherine finally makes the return trip to the tunnels but is determined only to see that her son is safe. She had decided to return to protective custody after realizing Vincent has started a new relationship -- but can she leave after just the sight of him starts renewing her?") (27)
  • Is There a Purpose, poem by Patricia Peters (41)
  • Where You Least Expect It, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("Vincent struggles with depression as he watches the last of his childhood friends find love and marriage. Will such a thing as 'love' ever find him?") (42)
  • Invictus, poem by William Ernest Henley (45)
  • The Devil's Workshop, fiction by Inez Paskal ("An interesting, dynamic woman comes into the tunnel community and enlists Catherine's help, however, some answers only result in more questions." Another summary: "An old friend of Peter's come to ask him to help her locate her son's grave who died thirty years before and now someone is after both of them.") (also in Rhapsody) (46)
  • Look What's Coming (63)

V.1 N.5

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.5 was published in September 1990 and contains 68 pages.

cover of issue #5

The art is by Gary Dixon, Bernadette Elander, Elizabeth Helm, Sandra Parker, Inez Paskal, and Susan Thielmann.

From Paskal:

Now that we have gotten through the first four issues of Chamber Cameos, I felt that a word was necessary to inform you about "It Is And Always Will Be." I wrote it as my own catharsis; part of my mourning process for Catherine. I started to write it on December 16 at 2:30 PM and I did not intend to share it with anyone. At that time Chamber Cameos was not even thought of. However, four days later I received a letter from Carole Mayberry, one of our poets, that was full of pain over the loss of Catherine and suggesting a similar scenario to the one I had just used in my story. In fact, she was writing her letter at the same time I was starting the story. It seemed like a profound coincidence and so I quickly sent off the first part of the story, what I had already typed. It was of great comfort to her and so this encouraged me to share it with others.

In the next four issues, I have suggested an entirely different "possibility".

"Black Lace" is a prologue to a trilogy, "Out of the Depths," "Betwixt and Between," and White Lace and Holly." Each is a separate story and yet they are all part of a whole.

I am finding that I am, indeed, enjoying sharing with you. At first I felt that too much of myself was being revealed but I soon learned that we are a community of support and encouragement. Thank you for that and for the courage to

try and for reminding me that "Anything is possible".

From Mansfield:

If we decide to continue publishing into a second year, we are considering a larger standard format but will be sending out questionnaires as to preferences later in the year. We hope everyone is enjoying the zine and would appreciate further comments. Please keep in mind, however, that we can only do so much with the budget with which we are working. All in all, we here at Chamber Cameos are pleased with the overall quality we have produced and hope you feel the same.

  • Chamber Cameos (2)
  • Catherine and Vincent, art by Gary Dixon (10)
  • poem by William Shakespeare (11)
  • Black Lace, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Mouse asks Catherine for a piece of black lace for Elizabeth to add to a portrait she's doing for Addie, a one hundred year old resident living near her.") (also in Rhapsody) (12)
  • New Beginnings, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("Devin's sudden appearance in the tunnels brings Vincent happiness until the true purpose for the visit is exposed. Once again, Vincent is faced with the impossible -- helping a reluctant Charles adjust to an unwanted life below.") (20)
  • poem by Kahlil Gibran (52)
  • Beauty Exists, poem by Sandra Parker (19)
  • Gift of Laughter, fiction by Karen Morgia ("Vincent rarely lets loose and laughs. Catherine is determined to surprise him with a gift she is sure will remedy this droll situation.") (53)
  • poem by Margaret Mansfield (57)
  • Any Other Day, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("Catherine is separated from Vincent on their anniversary and is determined to return in time to celebrate this special event with the man she loves.") (58)
  • Look What's Coming (67)

V.1 N.6

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.6 was published in October 1990.

cover of v.1, n.6

The art is by Gary Dixon, Bernadette Elander, Elizabeth Helm, Inez Paskal, and Sharon Parker.

  • Chamber Cameo (2)
  • Catherine, art by Elizabeth Helm (10)
  • poem by Sarah Williams (11)
  • All Hallow's Eve, fiction by Karen Morgia ("He, he, he, he, he, he! The strange little giggle was driving Catherine crazy. She could not locate its source and worse yet not even Vincent could hear it. Things get much worse, however, when lights start going on and off by themselves and other things start moving around the apartment with a will of their own.") (12)
  • Candles, poem by Clifford Laube (17)
  • Safe Below, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("Father never had gotten used to Vincent's habit of wandering around in the open on Halloween night. To make matters worse this year they planned to take young Jacob with them. Before the evening was over Catherine was wishing she had taken Father's advice to stay "safe below'.") *18)
  • Old Cornish Litany ("From ghoulies and ghosties...") (40)
  • Revenge, fiction by Sam Green ("On Samain when the walls between the worlds grow thin and the spirits walk the earth, Vincent and Catherine discover that not all supernatural beings are friendly. An evil spirit haunts this Halloween night, waiting to take its revenge on any unsuspecting passerby. The spirit of the Katoomba has made this year a choice -- Father?") (41)
  • poem by Alvina Dillon (44)
  • Out of the Depths, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Vincent is accused by a diabolical court for the murder of Paracelsus. Who will stand by him and what will it cost?") (also in Rhapsody) (45)
  • Vincent (63)
  • Look What's Coming (64)

V.1 N.7

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.7 was published in November 1990 and contains 58 pages.

cover of v.1, n.7

The art is by Bernadette Elander, Elizabeth Helm, Sandra Parker, Inez Paskal, Rita Terrell, Susan Theilmann, Kathy Wooding, and Gary Dixon.

  • Cameo (2)
  • Vincent, art (10)
  • poem by Kahlil Gibran (11)
  • And So it Continues, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("The birth of Catherine and Vincent's second child is imminent. All is in readiness - or so they think. Surprises are in store.") (12)
  • poem by Carole Mayberry (18)
  • The Side of Truth, fiction by Andreas Dumasias ("Catherine is troubled deciding whether to live Above or Below. She receives help from a totally unexpected source. Suddenly her decision crystalizes, and the choice becomes simple.") (19)
  • Count Your Blessings (old Christian chorus) (28)
  • Blessings, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("A journal excerpt recounts his many blessings since meeting Catherine.")
  • Betwixted and Between, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Cathy wakes up with a strange roommate, and she can't find her toothbrush. What will they do with her?") (also in Rhapsody) (29)
  • poem by Carole Mayberry (31)
  • Betwixt and Between, fiction by Inez Paskal (32)
  • Faith, poem by John Bannister Tabb (54)
  • Grace, fiction by Bernadette Elander (55)
  • Look What's Coming (58)

V.1 N.8

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.8 was published in December 1990.

  • The Three Kings, fiction ("It's Christmas time and nothing seems to be going right for Vincent. He didn't get the part in the play he wanted, Mitch is picking on him again, and worst of all whoever drew his name for the gift giving exchange didn't even remember to give him a present.")
  • True Meaning, fiction ("Having been given the okay by Father and Vincent, Catherine spends the day at a local department store making sure that this is the best Christmas ever for the tunnel kids.")
  • White Lace and Holly, fiction ("Catherine seems to be on the edge of a life -- not quite involved. She notices that Diana loves Vincent but he doesn't seem to return the affection. Joe, Elliot and Vincent seem to be courting Catherine while Jennie would love some attention from either Joe or Elliot. Who will spend Christmas with whom????") (also in Rhapsody)
  • Stranger in a Strange Land, part one, fiction by Bernadette Elander ("Things seem to be going great for Father. He has won the love of a beautiful Irish girl and is soon to be a father again. Suddenly he is among the missing and even Vincent can't understand what could have gone wrong.")

V.1 N.9

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.9 was published in 1991.

  • Cameo Face, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Because I Know, poem by Pauli Murray
  • Against the Softness of the Spirits, fiction by Andrea Dumasius ("Vincent finds an ancient stone and senses that someone is afraid for Catherine and when she explains Joe's concern for her he tells her to bring Joe Below.")
  • Terrible Darkness, poem by an anonymous member of the French Resistance in 1943
  • Dark Moon Rising, fiction ("Above Catherine deals with Vincent's rejection after the attack of the Outsiders on the tunnel community Below Vincent leaves the community to bury himself deep in the bowels of the earth where he is confronted by his dark side.")
  • The Book of Counted Sorrows, poem by Walter Wangerin Jr.
  • Stranger in a Strange Land, part two, fiction by Bernadette Elander ("Father is beaten and robbed after obtaining Mouse's release from the police and is taken to the hospital by Alexandra, a woman operating a local homeless shelter.")
  • Amongst the Softness of the Spirits, fiction ("Joe's concern for Cathy's lonely lifestyle has grown to the point where he has nightmares about her. Cathy doesn't know how to assure him that she is truly happy until Vincent finds an ancient stone which ties all three of them together. Joe is taken on an unusual visit to meet Narcissa which eventually helps him accept the reality of Cathy's secret.")
  • Loyalty, Friendship, Love, poem by anonymous
  • Crystal Cavern, Watery Grave, part one, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Vincent starts on an adventure that takes him halfway around the world where he meets characters from the myths." -- "Vincent and Little Jacob are rescued from drowning by a strange vessel which reminds Vincent of the Nautilus and a stranger captain who reminds him of Nemo. This captain requests that Vincent held find and return a horse which he had put to pasture the year before. And so Vincent finds himself on the shores of Northern Ireland and the possibility of seeing Brigit O'Donnell once again. The horse is found, a beautiful white mare, and brought to an old castle ruin. Vincent then seeks out Brigit who wants to see the horse and who is even more intrigued by the story that Vincent saw the 'Little People.' When Brigit examines the mare she tells Vincent that she is about to foal. They decide to return her to her mate, however after having done so they are captured.") (also in Rhapsody)

V.1 N.10

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.10 was published in 1991.

  • Crystal Cavern, Watery Grave, part two, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Vincent and Brigit learn that their captors are the Little People and that King Culmac is their sovereign. He releases them and thanks them for returning the mare as her mate did all in his power to follow her and if he were to leave their valley all to them and the surrounding area would vanish. He was their reason for existing. The awaited birth happens and the mate shows himself, a dazzling Unicorn. It was explained to Vincent that the captain really wanted to Unicorn and was using the mare to lure him. It was then that Vincent realized that Jacob, whom he had left on board the submarine was in danger. A plot was hatched to rescue Jacob with the help of the Little People, the Sidhe and Catherine. He is taken off the ship by Catherine and her goose.")
  • Full Circle, fiction ("Her schooling drawing to a close, Alyana is torn between going home and continuing her father's work and staying to be with the mysterious stranger she had met at school.")
  • Gift of the Gods
    • The Man -- Villain
    • The Beast -- Hero
    • The Child -- Obsession
    • The Gifts -- Catherine
  • other unknown content

V.1 N.11

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.11 was published in 1991.

  • Thy Cameo Face, poem by Carole Mayberry
  • Cameo Continuity
  • Vincent, poem by Margaret Mansfield
  • Forever and Always, fiction by Margaret Mansfield ("Kate has been working at a sanitarium for the last three years and discovers that her memory was deliberately being kept from her and discovers in the process that her real name is Catherine Chandler.")
  • Crystal Caverns and Watery Graves, part three, fiction by Inez Paskal ("Vincent and Jacob return from their adventures in Ireland to the joy of the tunnel community.")
  • Coming Attractions

V.1 N.12

Chamber Cameos V.1 N.12 was published in 1991.

  • Homeward Bound, fiction ("All things come full circle in this story which tells the fate of Joe and his family as well as Pope.")
  • To Win Favor, fiction ("Brigit writes a story for Jacob explaining some of the best loved Irish lore.")

V.2 N.1

Chamber Cameos V.2 N.1 was published in 1991.

V.2 N.2

Chamber Cameos V.2 N.2 was published in 1991.

V.2 N.3

Chamber Cameos V.2 N.3 was published in 1991.

V.2 N.4

Chamber Cameos V.2 N.4 was published in 1991.

V.2 N.5

Chamber Cameos V.2 N.5 was published in 1991.

V.2 N.6

Chamber Cameos V.2 N.6 was published in 1991.


  1. ^ from The Beauty & the Beast Buyer's Guide to Fanzines
  2. ^ from the Qfer
  3. ^ Perhaps this was meant to say "Below"?