Celtic GlowWorms

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Forever Knight Faction
Name: Celtic GlowWorms
Date(s): 1997-2011 (inactive from 2004)
Founder: Angela Rynan, Heather Poinsett
Focus: interest in Celtic matters
Wars: 9, 10
Community: celtic_glowworm (Yahoo Group)
URL: The Celtic GlowWorm Faction Page (Wayback Machine)
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

The Celtic GlowWorms are a faction of the Forever Knight on-line fan community. They are fans of Celtic descent, or those with an interest in Celtic folklore and history. The name of the faction relates to Nick Knight's self-description, "I don't tan, I don't burn. I implode."

The following statement of purpose was found on the front page of the faction website, and sums up the premise for the Celtic GlowWorms:

Our Faction is open to any Forever Knight fans. We do try to tie all of this together, however we don't believe in limiting ourselves to one topic. In other words, we can discuss such serious topics as the various Celtic legends and the possible vampiric entities in Celtic culture. We can also ponder on what did LaCroix really do those missing 1,000 years (He probably visited Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England-- free food you know), Natalie's Irish roots, Nick's travels in Wales (despite the glaring historical inaccuracies in Queen of Harps), Janette's lovely Gaelic looks (Black Irish if you prefer), Screed's little-known talent for Irish dancing and the Highland Fling, and Schanke's secret desire for Haggis and good pipe and drum music.

Shoot if we want we can even discuss what makeup works best for pale, washed-out folks such as ourselves.

Brenda Bell recalls the faction:

Celtic GlowWorms were a group of us who have pale skin and Celtic origin (or interest in Celtic heritage). We started as a mail loop and Web page in November 1997, run by Angela (Pen Durell) Rynan and MacCousin Heather Poinsett (later Dunbar) and moved to a Yahoo group in May 1998. We participated in Wars 9 and 10 with the Tequila Fiends (people who like tequila, had a bit of a Mexican theme, faction run by Pen). By War 11, most of the regulars were too busy with Real Life, and since we were not allowed to participate as a faction/fraction/combined group, I was with the Die-Hards for that War. Our headquarters was the Fiendish Glow, a pub/cantina on the corner of Cactus Court and Luminescent Lane (both fictional), and had a convenient underground Metro stop. (The Fiendish Glow's website is currently down as we are experiencing some server security issues. It is normally at n2kye.webwarren.com/Fiendish_Glow/ .) The GlowWorms' Tripod site is no longer active. For some reason, much of the list was supposed to have moved to a new, wider-interest Yahoo group, Celts in Space, back in August 2000, though the Yahoo group was intermittently active through mid 2004.

— excerpted from "Re: Any more Yahoo Groups?", posted to FORKNI-L on 1 Jan 2020.

The "Glows"

Although the original meaning of the word "glow" in the name of the faction referred to Nick's words, the faction members later elaborated on it. On their website, the page, "Who Glows and Why?", explains:

...for the purposes of the FORKNI-L/FKFIC-L War universe, [ ... ] all of us, and all of the regular (fictional) staff at the Fiendish Glow have a peculiar sort of bioluminescence that is undetected by most humans (not sure about the vamps, yet!) and by most surveillance equipment.

Our glows are detectable by our special high-tech surveillance equipment (the stuff not generally available to the general public -- we use this equipment for recording anything from sensitive private meetings to social affairs) and also by those of us who have had direct or indirect contact with the Faer Folk on the astral plane.

The following glows were established for faction members:

  • Lora (TheLadyT): yellow-white, turns faintly neon-greenish while she's in the land of the Faer
  • Brenda: pale gray, turns pink when embarrassed; she turned blindingly-bright, visible-to-all neon green after contact with the Faer Ones and pretty much stayed that way through most of War 9
  • MacHeather: Plaid
  • Pen: Tequila Sunrise

Faction Headquarters

The Fiendish Glow is a fictional pub on a street corner in downtown Toronto. The Celtic GlowWorms share it with another faction, the Tequila Fiends.

Faction Websites

Yahoo Groups

FK Wars

With the other denizens of the Fiendish Glow, the Tequila Fiends, the Celtic GlowWorms took part in Wars Nine and Ten.