Celandine (fan)

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Name: Celandine
Alias(es): Celandine Brandybuck, celandineb, Cel, Zwarte Parel
Type: fan writer
Fandoms: Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, History Boys, The King's Speech, LOTR, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Trek Reboot
Communities: Cel's Fic Haven, 3fan_holidays
URL: AO3, LJ, IJ, Wellinghall (via Wayback)
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Celandine is a fan writer who has written stories primarily in LOTR and Harry Potter fandoms. She has also written in Pirates of the Caribbean (as Zwarte Parel), Star Trek Reboot, The King's Speech and several other fandoms. She predominantly writes slash, often smutty, but has also written gen, het and poly. Common pairings include Harry/Draco and Snape/Lupin. She's a prolific drabbler, but also writes every length up to epic.

Cel maintains a personal website, Wellinghall. She was one of the early administrators of the Henneth Annûn Story Archive (HASA) in the Tolkien fandom. She ran the 3fan_holidays exchange in the HP, LotR & PotC fandoms from 2006 to 2012. She sometimes co-writes with Your Cruise Director.

Example Fanfiction