Category talk:Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Fanfiction

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I suggest renaming this category to Category:Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Fanfiction. The tricky thing here is that it isn't just Avengers fanfiction, it's also Iron Man fanfiction and Captain America fanfiction and Marvel fanfiction, depending on your POV and your fandom. Every single one of these stories also has the Captain America Fanfiction and Iron Man Fanfiction cat. I think the only way to streamline it is to leave the fandom out of it and just go by pairing, which then can belong as a subcat to all these fandoms. --Doro (talk) 19:51, 18 May 2015 (UTC)

Okay I was thinking of that, but I wasn't sure because of the others pairing Fanfiction categories, so I'll do that! Thank you!--Harpie (talk) 18:25, 19 May 2015 (UTC)