Burning Books

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Title: Burning Books
Author(s): Azpou
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
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Burning Books is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel story by Azpou.

Reactions and Reviews

This is a slash story, but the slash itself is really secondary, and only mentioned really. More like implied. It is the damn story, this strange world that Azpou has created that really sucked me in and I found so unterly fascinating. She did an absolute fabulous job creating this planet and it's religious tyranny. I found the ending a little abrupt and some things she mentions happening to Jack were not dealt with really. The world she came up with is, hell, better than some of the ones they come up with on the show. It shows how introducing a new element to such a closed off enviroment can promote change where it is ready to happen. I love the story of Aalii, her voice was enthralling. The way she views the newcomers (SG-1) in her world. The observations she makes about them, how she views them as someone never seeing them before was refreshing. I'm so used to the show and it's characters I take them for granted. The way they open her eyes to what she already sees, but hasn't really wanted to look at closely or question was a grabber. I found myself wanting to know more about this world and it's people. It had me hooked with that alone. I didn't care the slashiness factor was sortof low. Check it out, it's quite compelling.[1]

Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs


  1. ^ "Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs". 2002-07-27. Archived from the original on 2022-04-19.