Bulletins from Bedlam

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Title: Bulletins from Bedlam
Author(s): Jessica Harris
Date(s): 26 June 1999
Length: ~4,800 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Bulletins from Bedlam (Jessica Harris's Slash Page)
Bulletins from Bedlam (The Eternal Palace)

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Bulletins from Bedlam is a Mulder/Krycek story by Jessica Harris. It won the 1999 Lisa e Krysa Awards in the category Best Medium Length Story.

Summary: Mulder loses it. Krycek finds it for him.


There are another three stories set in this universe:

  • Bedlam Sidebar I: Trust - It's Krycek's turn to learn to trust, as Mulder tries to pick up his own broken pieces after the war.
  • Bedlam Sidebar II: Ghosts - Mulder went insane in those dark tunnels where Krycek was shot. Is it healing or a deeper insanity that brings him back to himself in Krycek's arms?
  • Bedlam Sidebar III: Mourning my Death - Scully came over for dinner last night.

Recs and Reviews

Oh this weary game they play: one sets out to destroy and fails to know whether he succeeds; while one ends up losing his mind, the other losing his heart. The grand old madness of a Mulder/Krycek romance. Jessica knows how to pull those punches hard.[1]


  1. ^ aris in blue(s). X-Files Recs (Accessed 03 April 2015)