Boy with a scar

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Title: boy with a scar
Author(s): dirgewithoutmusic
Date(s): 2015-01-01 to 2019-06-30 (last updated
Length: 208,651 words across 17 fics
Genre(s): au
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: boy with a scar on ao3

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boy with a scar is a Harry Potter series by dirgewithoutmusic. These 17 AUs of the Harry Potter universe were originally posted on the author's tumblr, but later cross-posted to ao3.

Summary: A series of "what if" rewrites of Harry Potter, books 1-7. Cross-posted from tumblr (ink-splotch).

Works in the series

boy with a scar:

       What if Neville was the Chosen One, and James and Lily survived?
       What if Neville was the Chosen One, and James and Lily were tortured by the Lestranges?

the kids who chose themselves:

       What if Neville and Harry were both killed as infants, and there was no Chosen One?

no place like home:

       What if Petunia refused to take him in, and so Harry was raised in Hogwarts?

the family evans:

       What if Petunia had raised Harry like a son?

the heir of something or other:

       What if Harry was Sorted Slytherin?

he will have power the dark lord knows not:

       What if Harry was a squib?

the girl who lived

       What if Harry was a girl? (cis)

the girl who lived (again)

       What if Harry was a girl? (trans)

the last son

       What if Ron was the Chosen One?

the brightest witch of her age

       What if Hermione was the Chosen One?

baby birds and other adventures

       What if Harry and Hermione met before Hogwarts?

the family potter

       What if the Dursleys died, and Dudley was left on Lily and James's doorstep?

perfectly normal, thank you very much

       What if Petunia was the witch and Lily the Muggle?

a life of smoke and silvered glass

       What if Severus Snape stayed friends with Lily?

yer a wizard, Dudley

       What if Dudley Dursley was a Muggleborn wizard?


It hits you in the feels every time with how so many good things could’ve turned out for Harry or any other character if just one thing changed.[1]


  1. ^ "The Rec Center #219". Archived from the original on 2024-07-22.