Born to be Wild

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Title: Born to be Wild
Author(s): Jungle Kitty
Date(s): 1998
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links: online here

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Born to be Wild is an Kirk/Brandt story by Jungle Kitty.


"Exposure to radiation causes Captains Kirk and Brandt to regress in age."


Reactions and Reviews

I *loved* this one! What a wonderful romp. The children were written perfectly, and I loved watching Spock and Uhura try to solve the problem. Like I said before, I enjoy every single one of Jungle Kitty's stories and it was a real challenge to pick out my favorites! This one, though, is definitely my favorite of her less serious stories. [1]

Kirk and Brandt as children, driving the ship crazy? Now, who would I be not to like this?!? [2]
