Border Incident

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Title: Border Incident
Author(s): Margaret Draper
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Border Incident is a gen Star Trek: TOS story by Margaret Draper.

It was published in Alnitah #5.

The Var Series

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As they head home with the Romulan Commander aboard, Enterpriseinvestigates an attack on a space station. The landing party encounter a Romulan scoutship's crew; in escaping from them, Kirk is injured, then rescued from a monster rat by the leader, Var. Spock takes the ship away when attacked by the Romulan flagship, but maneuvers the scout into plowing right into it. He rescues Kirk and Vav, who turns out to be the Commander's son. Best bit in this one is the new-fangled Romulan universal translator that speaks in lines from bad movies. [1]
