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Bluespirit - A light in dark places

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Bluespirit - A light in dark places
Author: Bluespirit
Dates: 01 August 2002 or before - 2007 (last update)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis, Lord of the Rings RPS, The Professionals, misc
URL: http://blue-spirit.co.uk/index.htm (Wayback link)
Bluespirit - a light in dark places.png
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Bluespirit - A light in dark places was a personal slash site with fanfiction and manips. Some of the manips were cover art and illustrations for stories by other authors, some were originally published in zines.

Stargate Atlantis

Stand alone stories

Summary: Rodney has a certain fascination.

John prowled over and stood at the foot of the bed, a slow, sex-filled smile lighting his face with the promise of sweat and need and long, drawn-out pleasure.

Sheppard/McKay :: NC-17 :: 1 817 words :: Jan 2006 :: No spoilers :: mild D/s & kink :: McKay/Sheppard Fanfiction & Fanart Awards Nominee 2006

Summary: Rodney conducts an experiment.

Rodney McKay was a scientist. He observed, he hypothesised. He formulated ideas and postulated theories, he gathered evidence and drew conclusions. That was what he did.

Sheppard/McKay :: NC-17 :: 3 263 words :: Mar 2006 :: No spoilers :: mild D/s & kink :: Stargate Fan Awards Nominee 2006 :: McKay/Sheppard Fanfiction & Fanart Awards Nominee 2006

Summary: Carson wants to finish his conversation with Rodney. (Set during 'The Return Part One'.)

It was ironic that he'd always felt a little wave of homesick melancholy whenever he'd looked at those familiar images...

Sheppard/McKay :: PG-13 :: 1 190 words :: Nov 2006 :: Spoilers for The Return Part One

Summary: John’s searching for constellations in an unexpected sky.

The sun was just beginning to slide beyond the horizon as John led PJ into the barn, red and gold flares still tenaciously warming the sky as night crept closer.

Sheppard/McKay :: R :: 6 000 words :: Dec 2007 :: For SGA_Santa

Drabbles & ficlets

Summary: Rodney reflects.

It was like everyone wanted something from Sheppard.

Sheppard/McKay :: PG :: 150 words :: Oct 2005 :: No spoilers

Summary: A little tag scene for The Long Goodbye.

"I saw you, you know," Rodney said as soon as the door to his quarters closed behind them. His tone was almost teasing but it fell a little short and the thin, crooked line of his mouth and the tautness of his back screamed another emotion all together."

Sheppard/McKay :: PG-13 :: 777 words :: Mar 2006 :: Spoilers for Duet, The Long Goodbye

Summary: Withheld to protect the innocent guilty. *g* crack!fic

Rodney shifted miserably in his chair, his shoulders hunched and one elbow pressed uncomfortably against the wall.

Sheppard/McKay :: PG :: 382 words :: Sep 2006 :: crack!fic :: McKay/Sheppard Fanfiction & Fanart Awards Nominee 2006

Summary: Rodney has been watching.

McKay had long made a surreptitious study of Sheppard's lips.

Sheppard/McKay :: PG :: 100 words :: Dec 2006

Summary: Rodney is horny, John teases & snark ensues.

Rodney has this thing, okay, well really - if you want to be pedantic about it, yes - it's a kink, all right?!

Sheppard/McKay :: PG-13 :: 854 words :: Dec 2006

Summary: John has an epiphany... well, fuck!

"Well, it's about damn time, Colonel!" And then Rodney's amused exasperation is pressing against John's lips….

Sheppard/McKay :: PG-13 :: 741 words :: Jan 2007

Summary: John watches Rodney.

"Yes, yes, of course that will work… if you, oh, let's say, re-write wormhole physics and are granted three wishes by the Ancient genie of the ZPM!"

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 100 words :: Jan 2007

Summary: A porny drabble.

He breathed in long and deep, the still heady scent of sex the perfect accompaniment to the lingering tang of come painting his lips.

Sheppard/McKay :: R :: 100 words :: Apr 2007

Summary: A kiss.

It’s just a kiss.

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 63 words :: Jul 2007

Summary: John's had a bad day.

“Rodney. What are you doing?”

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 400 words :: Sep 2007

Summary: Rodney's injured & John isn't happy about it. Oh, and I have no idea where the sheep came from. Honestly.

Furious really shouldn’t look that good.

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 650 words :: Sep 2007

Summary: Time heals, kinda.

“Oh,” he whispered, suddenly sounding smaller, somehow diminished.

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 750 words :: Oct 2007

Summary: The scientists always throw the best parties.

“Quick, Colonel. Kiss me!”

Sheppard/McKay :: PG :: 370 words :: Nov 2007

Summary: Writing cards is a very serious business.

“Who the hell is Hugo Ickerbod?”

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 400 words :: Dec 2007

Summary: John investigates. (A character study of sorts.)

If you asked them, a lot of people - okay, most people - would probably say that Rodney had an abrasive personality.

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 250 words :: Dec 2007


  • ::: Fantasy :::

Summary: John wants to know about Rodney's sexual fantasies.

"Come on, Rodney. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you don't have some cool sexual fantasy hidden away in that big, old brain of yours?"

Sheppard/McKay :: NC-17 :: 2 045 words :: Feb 2006 :: No spoilers :: plus artwork :: Stargate Fan Awards Nominee 2006 :: McKay/Sheppard Fanfiction & Fanart Awards Nominee 2006

Summary: Rodney finally decides to indulge John.

"Rodney stared into the mirror. Doleful blue eyes, the blue definitely more noticeable than usual, stared back at him and he sighed heavily. "What the hell am I doing?"

Sheppard/McKay :: NC-17 :: 2 437 words :: Jun 2006 :: No spoilers :: plus artwork :: McKay/Sheppard Fanfiction & Fanart Awards Nominee 2006

  • Atlantis

Summary: Rodney is a college professor & John runs a flying school. So that would be AU then. *g*

There’d been a Little Debbie emergency - Rodney’s TA had chosen exam week to go down with a truly disgusting stomach flu and there was no way that he could face all that grading without huge quantities of highly processed sugar.

Sheppard/McKay :: PG-13 :: 1 900 words :: May 2007 :: McKay/Sheppard Fanfiction & Fanart Awards Nominee 2007

  • From where I stand in the middle of this heartache

Summary: Rodney's been gone for over six months now.

John swallowed, his throat tight and barren, and slowly unclenched his fingers, smoothing out the wrinkled paper.

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 300 words :: Jun 2007

  • A place made of nails and wood

Summary: John's forgiven Rodney but now it's time to meet Ronon & Teyla again.

Rodney sighed heavily. "Ronon probably wants to kill me."

Sheppard/McKay :: PG :: 1 300 words :: Sep 2007

  • Alone at a table for two

Summary: Rodney's lost Atlantis - and he's lost John.

He closed his eyes for a moment at the memory of John walking away from him, back stiff and more painfully eloquent than any faltering words.

Sheppard/McKay :: PG-13 :: 1 450 words :: Sep 2007 :: Spoilers for The Return Part One

  • A fresh roll of quarters

Summary: Even after twenty-three years, Rodney can still surprise John. This is a future!fic for 'Alone at a table for two'.

“Rodney?” John asked quietly, his eyes narrowing. “What did you do?”

Sheppard/McKay :: PG-13 :: 1 600 words :: Oct 2007 :: Spoilers for Adrift

  • Not here to forget

Summary: Rodney makes a discovery.

“Presumably the Ancients felt themselves too enlightened to wear socks,” Rodney muttered. “They’d obviously never seen the horrors perpetrated on Miami Vice.”

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 650 words :: Dec 2007

  • Recuperation

Summary: Rodney's had enough of the infirmary.

As much as he hated to admit it, John was pretty much the only thing keeping him standing right now...

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 660 words :: Sep 2007

Summary: Rodney isn't well. A short snippety prequel to 'Recuperation'.

“I don’t feel so good,” he murmured, the shivering becoming worse.

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 400 words :: Oct 2007

Summary: John is injured in an explosion & Rodney is the only one there to help.

Rodney faltered again, the air too still and too much of that precious blood slowly drying beneath his fingernails.

Sheppard/McKay :: G :: 1 500 words :: Sep 2007

Summary: Wherein Rodney tries to search the Ancient database & the boys don't talk about feelings. The epilogue to 'Still the thunder'.

Rodney spun around, eyes wide and startled. “Jesus, Colonel! Tone down the stealth-ninja act, will you? I like my heart beating just as it is, thank you.”

Sheppard/McKay :: R :: 1 000 words :: Oct 2007

Misc ~ other JF & DH character pairings

Summary: Mike is looking for a new beginning & Gus is looking for closure.

"I'm Mike, by the way, Mike Sheridan."

Gus smiled shyly and shook the proffered hand. "Gus… um, Gus Gruber," he murmured, his own smile widening. "Pleased to meet you."

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: PG :: 1 800 words :: Jan 2007

Summary: Scenes from a relationship.

"I'm not going to argue with you, Gus. I won't," Mike said quietly, his face tight and pinched as he walked out of the house.

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: PG :: 1 100 words :: Jan 2007

  • Late

Summary: Gus is finding it hard to deal with losing his friends. (Set during the first year that Mike & Gus are together.)

"Hey, honey - I'm home!" Mike sing-songed, grinning as he shucked his sandals on the porch and padded barefoot into the kitchen.

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: G :: 600 words :: Jan 2007

Summary: Mike & Gus go to Chicago.

"Tell me again. Why are we here?" Gus asked plaintively...

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: G :: 430 words :: Feb 2007

Summary: Mike goes commando, Gus lusts, smut ensues.

Gus's eyes followed the path of long tanned legs to where they disappeared into familiar faded cut-offs, the denim frayed and pale against the warm gold of Mike's skin. The fabric was old, washed soft and thin in places, moulding beautifully to the peachy perfection of Mike's ass.

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: G :: 1 800 words :: Feb 2007

Summary: Mike & Gus celebrate.

Gus couldn't help his splutter of laughter, he'd never known that eyebrows could actually leer like that.

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: G :: 380 words :: Mar 2007

Summary: A couple of snapshots of the guys' life together.

The house was quiet, just the faint hum and whir of the icebox and the evenly timed scrape of paper on paper as Gus turned the pages of his book.

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: G :: 250 words :: Mar 2007

Summary: Adventures in baby-sitting.

“Uncle Mike, Uncle Mike! Look what we found!”

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: G :: 700 words :: May 2007

Summary: The boys spend their first Christmas together.

Gus had decided that it just wouldn’t be Christmas without building a snowman. Of course, Bermuda was a little short on snow...

Mike Sheridan/Gus Gruber :: CSI: Miami/The Triangle :: G :: 500 words :: Dec 2007

The Professionals

Summary: Bodie is hurt on an op & Doyle realises what's really important.

"Ray?" the weak response was all that Bodie managed before slipping back into unconsciousness. It was enough. With a sigh of relief Doyle smoothed a few stray strands of hair from his partner's brow as he continued to rock them both.

"I'm here, sunshine, I'm right here."

Bodie/Doyle :: NC-17 :: 8 352 words :: Sept 1999 :: No spoilers

Summary: Doyle receives a letter.

I love you, Ray.

I wanted to say that straight away 'cus if you’re reading this then things probably aren't looking too good for me right now.

Bodie/Doyle :: NC-17 :: 2 218 words :: Oct 1999 :: No spoilers :: Originally published in No Holds Barred 20, 2000

Summary: Bodie's on a 'special' assignment without his partner & Doyle isn't happy.

"Och laddie, I know it's not pleasant and if there were any other way...but this is important. We need to know what Stephenson knows and find out if he's up to anything. If he's what he appears to be; a successful, financially independent businessman, then there's no problem. But if our sources are correct then he's involved with some very nasty business indeed - most likely drugs and arms shipments to Uganda. We have to know what he's up to, Bodie - that's why you have to get close to him."

At this the cool expression of the dark haired agent broke into a sarcastic grimace, "And just how close would that be, sir?" he said with a hard edge to his voice.

Bodie/Doyle :: NC-17 :: 9 432 words :: Oct 1999 :: No spoilers :: Originally published in The Bisto Kids, 2001

Summary: Christmas traditions.

"This thing weighs a tonne, mate. I don't know why we bother."

Ray Doyle smiled indulgently at the grumbling man struggling to place the six-foot Norwegian Spruce into a brightly decorated bucket. "Because you love it," he replied in a teasing tone.

Bodie/Doyle :: PG :: 3263 words :: Dec 1999 :: No spoilers :: Seasonal schmoop!

Summary: Back when Bodie was a merc in Angola he met someone who changed his life.

"Doesn't look like he's gonna last much longer - there's nothin' I can do for him now."

Bodie/Doyle :: NC-17 :: 3 569 words :: June 2000 :: No spoilers :: Originally published in Motet Opus 4 in B and D, 2000

Summary: ABC silliness. Each sentence must begin with the next letter in the alphabet. *g*

"And another thing - how many times have I told you not to eat biscuits in bed - look at the mess, it's like a disaster area-"

Bodie/Doyle :: PG :: 225 words :: July 2000 :: No spoilers

Summary: Doyle's had enough & decides it's time to sort Bodie out once & for all.

"No, Bodie! No bloody more! That's enough - I've had it!"

Bodie was stunned at his partner's vehemence.


"You just don't understand do you, you bloody great twit? Well I've had enough - I'm not putting up with this anymore. It's time you understood how things stand, time I showed you a thing or two I reckon. You're mine, Bodie - bloody mine! And no one's taking you away from me...not some bloody shooter and certainly not you!"

Bodie/Doyle :: NC-17 :: 2 947 words :: June 2000 :: No spoilers :: Originally published in Secret Agent Men 2, 2003 :: Nominated in the 2004 SCREWZ awards

Lord of the Rings RPS

Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom

Stand alone stories

  • Hands that See

Summary: What the masseur saw....

Oh my god…he was gorgeous. No, not just gorgeous…gorgeous just wasn’t enough to describe this man. This man deserved poetry…fireworks…hell sacrifices should be made in his honour. There just weren’t the words, from those sinful green eyes to the oh so shy smile, he was just completely and utterly captivating.

SB/OB :: PG :: 1 555 words :: Mar 2003

  • The Auction

Summary: Sean gets involved in a celebrity auction.

Sean shifted uncomfortably in his seat and ran a finger under the collar of his white dress shirt. He hated this....

SB/OB :: R :: 3 349 words :: Sept 2004

  • Love light

Summary: A very special day.

Orlando stood on the terrace of the beach house and watched the sunset.

SB/OB :: NC-17 :: 3 020 words :: Dec 2004 :: Written for the Lotrips Wedding Challenge

  • For Orlando

Summary: Everything that Sean has done has been for Orlando....

The telephone rang, its staccato trill jolting Sean to sudden awareness.

SB/OB :: PG :: 2 662 words :: Feb 2005

  • Baby, it’s cold outside

Summary: It's Christmas Eve & Orlando has one last delivery to make.

The sky was grey, clouds heavy with imminent snow, and his breath hung like ice in the chill air...

SB/OB :: PG :: 2 500 words :: Dec 2007 :: For OrliBean_xmas

Drabbles & ficlets

  • Venetian Interlude

Summary: Viva Las Vegas!

“Sean! The gondolas!”

SB/OB :: PG :: 636 words :: Mar 2003

  • Transatlantic Love

Summary: Orlando watches the BAFTAs...

“Orli? Are you okay? What time is it? It’s the middle of the night!”

SB/OB :: R :: 434 words :: Mar 2003

  • Truth

Summary: angsty!Sean.

Sean knows.

SB/OB :: PG :: 35 words :: June 2003

  • Lazy Days

Summary: A little snapshot...

“Here, Maude! Fetch! That’s a good girl.”

SB/OB :: PG :: 126 words :: July 2003

  • Blessed - fantasy vs. reality

Summary: Orlando has imagined...

Whenever Orlando had imagined having sex with Sean - and imagine it he had on numerous sweat-soaked occasions that left floods of come pooling on his overheated skin - he’d never imagined the gentleness.

SB/OB :: R :: 193 words :: Jan 2004

  • Journey

Summary: Orlando has been searching for something.

Orlando had always tried to lose himself in the fucking.

SB/OB :: R :: 100 words :: Apr 2004

  • Cherry Blossom

Summary: Love is love, no matter what.

“Sean!” Orlando’s face broke into a huge smile, his dark eyes shining with love.

SB/OB :: PG :: 303 words :: July 2004

  • Ivory Lace

Summary: Sean finds a surprise waiting for him.


SB/OB :: PG :: 674 words :: Sept 2004

  • Stud Muffin

Summary: Viggo has some news for Sean.

“*Stud muffin*?”

SB/OB :: PG :: 251 words :: Sept 2004 :: crack!fic

  • Habits

Summary: Someone's been watching....

Eric watched.

SB/OB :: PG :: 100 words :: Sept 2004

  • The Power of Advertising

Summary: Orlando's not happy.

“I’ve got a bone to pick with you!”

SB/OB :: PG :: 559 words :: Sept 2004 :: crack!fic

  • The Earring

Summary: One hundred words about closeness.

It was barely noticeable to the naked eye.

SB/OB :: PG :: 100 words :: Oct 2004

  • Gold

Summary: What Orlando needs.

Orlando reached up and trailed his fingers through the silk of Sean's hair…

SB/OB :: NC-17 :: 433 words :: Oct 2004

  • Be Careful What You Wish For

Summary: I cannot dignify this with a summary. *face palm*

Orlando closed the front door behind him and dropped his keys onto the hall table..

SB/OB :: PG :: 520 words :: Nov 2004 :: crack!fic (I mean it!)

  • Two - ~ a Valentine drabble

Summary: One hundred words of love.

Two glasses stand unfinished on the coffee table, warm flickers of reflected flame dancing with the champagne bubbles that fizz in the firelight.

SB/OB :: PG :: 100 words :: Feb 2005

  • Where the Heart Is

Summary: Early morning musing.

The morning was cold but bright, the air rich with bird song and the heady scent of blossom.

SB/OB :: G :: 100 words :: Apr 2005

  • Communication ~ a quartet of drabbles

Summary: Words are important.

"How can you be so fucking casual about all this?"

SB/OB :: PG-13 :: 400 words :: Aug 2005

  • Bathtime for Sidi

Summary: It's all about strategy.

It had started out with Orlando bathing Sidi.

SB/OB :: PG-13 :: 100 words :: Sep 2005 :: Written for the Katrina Donation Drive

  • Morning

Summary: Some things are worth waking up for...

Orlando surfaced slowly to the feel of soft lips dancing across the tender skin at the nape of his neck.

SB/OB :: PG-13 :: 100 words :: Sep 2005 :: Written for the Katrina Donation Drive

  • Early

Summary: An early morning call.

Sean fumbled for the 'phone, abruptly cutting off its ring. "'Lo?"

SB/OB :: G :: 100 words :: Feb 2007


The Green Glass Universe

  • Green Glass ~ a modern day fairy tale

Summary: Love really is the sweetest thing.

Because the face…the face was simply stunning. A strong chin with just a hint of stubble, wide cheekbones, a sensuous mouth. There was something about this man that seemed to draw his gaze, something that made goose-bumps ghost over his skin like invisible kisses.

SB/OB :: NC-17 :: 78 000+ words :: Dec 2004 :: Slashy Oscar Winner 2005

  • Making Spirits Bright ~ a Green Glass Christmas Interlude

Summary: A very merry Green Glass Christmas!

Orlando smiled in delight, his face alight with happiness. "Oh, Sean…this is so…oh, wow…just so beautiful…."

SB/OB :: PG :: 2 016 words :: Dec 2004

  • When Craigsie met Daisy ~ a Green Glass Interlude

Summary: How did Craig & Dave meet?

At that a curtain parted and Craig swept in, looking as stunning as ever in hip hugging denim and a thoroughly over the top, riotous purple shirt. On someone else it may have looked kitsch but on Craig it looked simply fabulous.

CP/DW (pre-SB/OB) :: PG :: 2 139 words :: Jan 2005

  • The sweetest thing ~ a glimpse into the Green Glass future

Summary: A glimpse of our boys ten years on from the events of 'Green Glass'.

“So, my Mum and Sam have got their tickets, yeah?” Orlando asked, rushing past Sean into the bedroom.

SB/OB :: G :: 600 words :: Dec 2007

Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom

Stand alone stories

  • Christmas Traditions

Summary: Dreams can come true….

Orlando floated up into consciousness, a feeling of complete and utter contentment wrapping around him like a blanket of warmth and bliss. Much like the soft blankets currently cocooning him and…the strong arms wrapped around his waist, holding him snugly against a sturdy chest.

VM/OB :: R :: 2 412 words :: Dec 2004 :: Written for VigOrli Secret Santa 2004

  • Scattered Hearts

Summary: AU ~ It's the Old West & Viggo is a champion endurance rider.

...to the winner of the Ocean of Fire comes a far greater prize - the like of which is seen but once in a lifetime - to the winner comes the Sheikh's most valued and treasured possession…the Jewel of the Desert.

VM/OB :: NC-17 :: 16 449 words :: Mar 2005 :: Slashy Oscar Nominee 2006

  • Bad Poetry

Summary: Viggo isn't looking for love.

Viggo's gaze was drawn to the solitary figure, a man - well, no more than a boy really - with long dark curls softly framing an elegant, almost angelic face.

VM/OB :: NC-17 :: 4 037 words :: July 2005 :: Written for ViggOrli Ficathon :: Slashy Oscar Winner 2006

Drabbles & ficlets

  • One thousand and thirty eight miles per hour

Summary: Sometimes you just have to hold on.

“I’ve never done this before.”

VM/OB :: R :: 907 words :: Oct 2004

  • Special

Summary: One hundred words about Viggo & Orlando.

“It’s your special day - happy birthday, Vig.”

VM/OB :: PG :: 100 words :: Oct 2004

  • Know

Summary: What does Dominic know?

It’s hopeless.

VM/OB, DM :: PG :: 100 words :: Nov 2004

  • A Perfect Balance

Summary: Viggo watches.

I'm watching him again - I can't help myself.

VM/OB :: PG :: 217 words :: May 2005

  • Words

Summary: Describing Viggo.


That's a word that's used a lot to describe him.

VM/OB :: PG-13 :: 100 words :: Sept 2005 :: Written for the Katrina Donation Drive

  • Connections

Summary: Viggo reflects.

Viggo had always thought that on-set friendships were a little like train journeys.

VM/OB :: PG-13 :: 100 words :: Sept 2005 :: Written for the Katrina Donation Drive

  • Warmth

Summary: A birthday drabble in honour of the wonderful Mr Mortensen's special day.

Sunlight filters in, a warm golden glow teasing at his senses and chasing away sleep.

VM/OB :: PG :: 100 words :: Oct 2005



  • Discovery

Summary: Viggo experiences a moment of clarity.

It all happened so fast - the rapidly approaching headlamps, the squeal of brakes and that cloying, sickly smell of burning rubber.

VM/OB :: PG :: 375 words :: Apr 2005

  • Disclosure

Summary: After the accident.

Orlando swallowed past the dry lump that had been lodged in his throat since the phone call.

VM/OB :: PG :: 2 047 words :: Apr 2005

Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen

Stand alone stories

  • A Very Fine Wine

Summary: It's Sean's birthday & there's a surprise waiting for him. (PWP)

Sean stood immobile in the doorway. The lights were low in the bedroom and an enticing aroma of spiced incense filled the room. But what held his gaze, and almost took his breath away, was the solitary dancing figure illuminated in the centre of the room.

SB/OB/VM :: NC-17 :: 2 785 words :: Apr 2005

Drabbles & ficlets

  • Three

Summary: Three sexy, gorgeous, horny men - no plot in sight.

The bodies on the bed writhed in perfect synchronicity, their movements becoming increasingly fevered as ecstasy approached and each strived for the nirvana of completion.

SB/OB/VM :: R :: 483 words :: Oct 2004 :: crack!fic


'I will survive' crack!fic universe

  • I will survive

Summary: Orlando can't go on...

Orlando closed his eyes and tried to breathe. This couldn't be happening, there had to be some mistake - it couldn't really be over. Could it?

SB/OB/VM :: PG :: 724 words :: Jan 2005 :: crack!fic

  • Tags Episode I: The Phantom Tags

Summary: Orlando has a problem.

"No, no, no, no *nooooooo*!"

SB/OB/VM :: PG :: 992 words :: July 2005 :: crack!fic

  • Tags Episode II: The Return of the Tags

Summary: OrliCon One is definitely averted.

"Oh, yeah, baby…you're *so* good…"

SB/OB/VM :: PG :: 772 words :: July 2005 :: crack!fic

Miscellaneous Pairings

  • When Craigsie met Daisy ~ a Green Glass Interlude

Summary: How did Craig & Dave meet?

At that a curtain parted and Craig swept in, looking as stunning as ever in hip hugging denim and a thoroughly over the top, riotous purple shirt. On someone else it may have looked kitsch but on Craig it looked simply fabulous.

Craig Parker/David Wenham (pre-SB/OB) :: PG :: 2 139 words :: Jan 2005

  • Taking Direction

Summary: complete and utter crack!fic with prose so purple as to shame Dame Barbara (although maybe that should be pink...oh, now I'm just getting confused!)

Eric paused before the non-descript door and took a slow, deep breath and then one more for good measure. He had no reason to be nervous, he knew that, but it didn't stop the slight fluttering in his stomach. He was going to be working with Liam Neeson.

Liam Neeson/Eric Bana :: soft R :: 1 026 words :: July 2005 :: really crack!fic

  • Remember

Summary: The significance of insignificant things.

A loud ringing jarred Viggo from his solitary preoccupation with a single stroke of vermilion and he reached blindly for the telephone.

SB/VM :: PG :: 550 words :: Mar 2005

  • New memories

Summary: How many pebbles on a beach? A sequel to 'Remember'.

The sky was clear above them, pinpricks of starlight scattered in the inky blue blackness and the moon hanging full and pale.

SB/VM :: G :: 100 words :: Oct 2007