Nine Tenths

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Title: Nine Tenths
Author(s): Cassidy Collins
Date(s): 2001
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: online here

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"Nine Tenths" by Cassidy Collins is a Professionals slash Bodie/Doyle story.

This zine's cover art by Suzan Lovett is called "Nine-Tenths of the Law," and may have been inspiration for this story.

It was originally published in The Bisto Kids in 2001 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

'Nine Tenths' by Cassidy Collins - 15pp. Another first time story. Bodie is undercover as the toy boy of a gay man, who is suspected of being an arms dealer. Cowley tells Ray where Bodie is, but he also tells Ray that Bodie has experience of male sex. A very good character portrait then of Ray and how he handles this information and how he feels, and the sudden dawning of what he wants from Bodie.

The story then moves to Bodie with the man in a restaurant; he knows that the man is going to want more than a chaste kiss that night. However, before things can get beyond an arm around the shoulder, Ray turns up, and literally drags Bodie out of the restaurant. Bodie realises that his partner is acting like a jealous lover, and begins to wonder and hope. The hope turns out to be right and again the partners make a decision to be committed.

Well written, light hearted, fun, interesting to see Bodie as the toy boy, rather than Ray, and Ray makes a wonderful jealous lover. I enjoyed the characterisation of both men; Cassidy picked up on the dichotomous Doyle, and sent him from temper in insecurity very well. Bodie is also very well balanced, and you can see the caring and affection they have for one another. Another very nice story.[1]


  1. ^ review by Nikki Harrington at The Hatstand, Archived version