Best Intentions

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Title: Best Intentions
Author(s): J.S. Michel
Date(s): June 2001
Length: 37KB
Genre(s): Doggettfic, futurefic
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Best Intentions at J.S. Michel's author page (via Wayback Machine)
Best Intentions at Dogg-Eared
Best Intentions at Shippers Who Like Doggett

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Best Intentions is an X-Files story by J.S. Michel.


J.S. Michel described the April 2003 story "Badlands" as a "sort-of-sequel" to "Best Intentions", writing:

This fic ["Badlands"] originally came about as a result of a previous story of mine ("Best Intentions," a Mulder/Scully family-fic of sorts featuring ten-year-old William and presented from Doggett's POV). Though that story rubbed some fans the wrong way, I nevertheless received requests for a sequel. I gave it some thought, and while I couldn't see myself doing a genuine sequel I liked the idea of writing something which might be interpreted by readers as having been set in the same universe. More specifically, I had in mind something which would offer a post-col glimpse of the "Best Intentions" universe.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Ten years after Existence Scully and her son are hiding out with Doggett, but even running for your life can be banal if you do it often enough. Great characterization of all concerned, even the absent Mulder, and a painful honesty make this a fine read. If you don't read Doggett stories, you're missing out. (not that any rec would convince the ranting minority, but if you're at all open-minded, give this a go.) [2]

Lots of us would like nothing better than to see Mulder and Scully and William live Happily Ever After. But this is The X-Files, and nothing in that world is quite so simple. J. S. Michel gives us a glimpse of a possible future in which HEA isn't an option right now. Doggett's voice as narrator is strong here, totally in character, and the author has projected a nicely realized pre-teen personality for Will, too.[3]


  1. ^ J.S. Michel, Badlands commentary, January 2004 (Archived 26 October 2009).
  2. ^ YMMV
  3. ^ Lara's Favorites, A-B-C-D