Behind Blue Eyes (Newsies fanfic)

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Title: Behind Blue Eyes
Author(s): clio21000
Date(s): April 30, 2006 - April 23, 2008
Length: 79,000+ words
Genre(s): drama, romance
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: FFN
Refuge (dead link)

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Behind Blue Eyes is a Spot/Race Newsies slash fanfic by clio21000. It was published to, The Refuge, and LiveJournal. In June 2008, it was the most reviewed fic on The Refuge.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Well I guess it has been a few years since you've written this story... or maybe written anything, I don't know. I remembered reading this a few years back and so I searched for it so I could reread it (on the Refuge actually)... and I have to say ... it is still as good as it was back then :). It's a real shame that you never finished it!


Alright, even though I know its been over two years since you last updated, I'm really hoping that you haven't abandoned this fic, and that you'll finish it or at least update soon. Wow, what a run-on but Newsies is somewhat infamous for authors who go away for a long time and update years later out of the blue so I'm holding onto hope. There's so much that is unresolved and I'd really like to see how it all pans out. Oh and that last chapter, with Jack and David? Loved it! I've been waiting this whole fic for that moment, please don't leave it there!


I love that your story is just getting pornier and pornier as time goes on. It is pretty much fantastic (and it always fits well within the story).



  1. ^ Most Reviewed Stories on The Refuge (2008)
  2. ^ Review (2013)
  3. ^ Review (2010)
  4. ^ Comment (2008)