Bad Apple!!

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TitleBad Apple!!
ArtistZUN (original release & melody), Haruka
Release Date1998 (PC-98, chiptune), 2007 (lyrical song), 2008 (fan music video)
GenreJ-pop, electronic music
Activity Dates2008-present
Fan UseEdits, Animated music videos, Musical jokes
Links2008, Music Video Fanvid Reupload 2020, Official Music Video YouTube Release
Related articles on Fanlore.

Bad Apple!! is a popular Touhou song that has inspired numerous fan edits. It was released initially in 1998 as a stage track in Lotus Land Story, the fourth mainline Touhou game, then as a lyrical song in 2007. Fans created a music video in 2008 in the form of a black-and-white shadow puppet video, which was very popular. This fan music video took the Touhou fannish internet by storm, and later on, spreading towards other fannish circles such as Team Fortress 2, for example, inspiring remixes and new music videos, often recreating the appearance of the shadow puppet fanvid but with a different medium.

Fan Use



Links/Further Reading
