Army Games

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Title: Army Games
Author(s): Sebastian
Date(s): 1985 or before
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: online at Zeropanic

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Army Games is a 5-page Bodie/Doyle story by Sebastian.

It is a story on The 1985 Hatstand Express Top Ten Lists.

Author's Summary

Sebastian included the following introduction when she posted the story online circa 2006:

A very early story indeed, possibly the second I ever wrote. It's short. It's sweet, B and D in playful mood. More of a little nibble than a full-blown banquet, but sometimes that's all we have time or stomach for.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

another short and dreamy first-time that's very nearly a pwp, also quite pretty, but this one with some very humorous and touching moments scattered through the beginning. low on the action movie touches, though. [1]


Short and sweet and a position I've never come across before- this one is lots of fun.[2]


Cowley has sent his best team on a weekend survival course with the army. To put it mildly, Bodie and Doyle are not amused by this. Saturday night, they are trying to get some sleep in a pig sty. Doyle is cold, irritable, and cross, and to try to get him to shut up, Bodie agrees to sharing a sleeping bag with him. Then Doyle has this idea...

This story does make me wonder, though - what was the reaction of the soldiers when they found Bodie and Doyle cuddled together in a sleeping bag? [3]


  1. ^ The Pros recs; archived link
  2. ^ In The Hatstand Express #6 from a fan listing what was supposed to be her top 10 Pros stories; the list turned out to be 50 stories long.
  3. ^ from Be Gentle With Us #4