Anywhere But Here (Alex Rider story)

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Title: Anywhere But Here
Author(s): Scorpia710
Date(s): 10 August 2009 - 23 November 2009
Length: 40,138 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: Anywhere But Here (

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Anywhere But Here is an Alex Rider story by Scorpia710.

Summary: Alex froze as well. Then, he smelt it. Some part of the helicopter was on fire, and Wolf, Eagle and Fox were still inside, and unconscious. Story for Spy Fest 2009.

Recs and Reviews

A training exercise during Stormbreaker goes very wrong. Everyone knows the best way to ensure team bonding is to crash a helicopter and strand K Unit in the woods, right?[1]


  1. ^ waterandsilver. Alex Rider fic recs, 2020. (Accessed 07 April 2021)