Annotated Pratchett Files

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Title: Annotated Pratchett Files
Creator:, maintained by Leo Breebaart, Mike Kew and Robert Collier
Date(s): 1992-2016
Medium: online
Fandom: Discworld
External Links: The Annotated Pratchett Files
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The Annotated Pratchett Files is a collection of files detailing the various reference and jokes in Terry Pratchett novels, particularly the Discworld novels. There are currently nine versions with the most recent having been updated 24 August 2016[1]. The file was first created on the USENET group.

Ever since its creation in 1992, one of the most popular pastimes on the Usenet newsgroup has been discussing the many jokes, parodies, allusions and references with which Terry Pratchett seasons his work. Since, as Terry once put it, " as an entity has the attention span of a butterfly on cocaine", it quickly became clear that it would be a good idea to distil some of these discussions into something with a little more persistence and staying power than individual Usenet articles (remember that this all took place long before something like Google Groups -- or indeed even the World Wide Web itself -- existed!). And so the Annotated Pratchett File was born, and (because I was brave or foolish enough to volunteer) I became its editor.

Leo Breebaart and Mike Kew on[2]

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  1. ^ The L-Space Web The Annotated Prachett File, v9.0 (retrieved June 17, 2024)
  2. ^ Leo Breebaart and Mike Kew The Annotated Pratchett File Introduction (retrieved June 17, 2024)