And A Child Shall Lead Them

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Title: And A Child Shall Lead Them
Author(s): Christina Mavroudis
Date(s): written in 1992, posted in 1993
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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And A Child Shall Lead Them is a gen Quantum Leap story written in script form by Christina Mavroudis.

Written in 1992 (before "Dreams" and "Trilogy"), it was posted to in 1993.


"SYNOPSIS: Sam leaps into a boy with AIDS and develops similar symptoms. Meanwhile, back at the project... NOTES: A 'kitchen sink' episode fulfilling a leaper's 'wish list.' Not for Donna-haters. An alternate to "Mirror Image."



This is my first post on ql.creative. And the first time one of my scripts will see the light of day. After numerous tries at getting just one of my ideas looked at by 'the powers that be' in the QL office, and literally years of trying to accommodate the endless rules required for submission (*that's* a story by itself), I finally threw up my hands. Not wanting good ideas to go to waste :), I polled friends ("What do you want to see in a QL episode?") and combined three script ideas to come up with what I like to call "The Kitchen Sink" episode. It's mushy and pat; definitely NOT a Bellisario-type script. (OK, he does like mushy, but not pat.) However, I enjoyed putting it together and wanted to share it with some other QL friends who might have the same inclination of thought. I wrote this in August '92 with minor updates in December. Also remember that this is a script, thus in present tense. Enjoy.
