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Kate Bishop/America Chavez

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Pairing: Kate Bishop/America Chavez
Alternative name(s): Hawkeye/Miss America, Amerikate
Gender category: Femslash
Fandom: Young Avengers (Marvel Comics)
Canonical?: non canon
Prevalence: popular
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Kate/America is a femslash pairing of Kate Bishop (aka Hawkeye) and America Chavez (aka Miss America) from the Young Avengers fandom.


In canon Kate and America are best friends.


Kate/America is the most popular femslash pairing in the Young Avengers fandom. In their weekly feature, "Femslash Friday", The Toast notes the rise in popularity for the pairing after the final issue of Young Avengers:

All of this—side-by-side fighting, snarking at supervillains, such all-important rituals as confirming that you do, indeed, look as hot as you think you do—leads to a moment in the final issue that more than justifies the outpouring of Amerikate fic and fanart. The mood starts as celebratory and quickly turns reflective as the team discusses relationships past and present. It comes up that America is bisexual, leading Kate to wonder out loud if she’s the only one on the team who’s straight. (Indeed, the Young Avengers are the most LGBT-friendly superhero squad in the Marvel universe.) That’s when America says something that makes me want to write a fic about her and Kate sharing an ice cream cone in Central Park’s Sheep Meadow:

“Princess. I’ve seen the way you look at me. You’re not that straight.”

Is America asking Kate up to her room to look at her etchings? No. Is Kate declaring her affection for America from the rooftops? Not quite. But did Kate’s prospective interest in America just become canon? Well, yes, thanks to writer Kieron Gillen, it did. And shippy sighs are heard ‘round the fandom world.[1]




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