All Things Considered (Log Horizon story)

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Title: All Things Considered
Author(s): Amsves
Date(s): December 3, 2019 – May 3, 2022
Length: 26,714 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Log Horizon
External Links: AO3

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All Things Considered is a Shiroe/Akatsuki fanfiction written by Amsves, starting in December 2019. It is rated T for Teen And Up Audiences, with the archive warning No Archive Warnings Apply.

The fic is Canon Divergent starting at the beginning of season 2. Before Shiroe goes to Susukino to gather Silver Sword for the raid, he and Akatsuki meet with Li Gan to discuss how Shiroe might converse more discreetly with the guild members who will stay in Akihabara. Li Gan informs Shiroe that the easiest way would be for him and Akatsuki to get married, as married Adventurers can share inventory space (this is not canon to the Log Horizon universe).

Fic Info

Additional Tags

  • Marriage of Convenience, Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Awkwardness, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, listen guys they're in LOVE, Don’t copy to another site, Wedding Planning


"Before Shiroe leaves on his quest for the Kunie's gold, he goes to Regan for advice. Specifically, he wants a way to communicate discretely with a member of his guild back home. Regan's solution isn't ... exactly what Shiroe had in mind, but hey. If it works, it works, right?"


Aye aye captain! Just refinished the series last night, i can't help but readjust their dialogues in my mind and think that maybe this is the actual thing lollll eagerly waiting for the update kyaaaaaaak

stvnylnt, Mar 3, 2020

Excellent, thank you very much~ Going for a bit of a slow burn, huh...

MemoryMonkey, Mar 22, 2020

OH MY GOSH??? I SOMEHOW MISSED ALL THE EMAILS I HAD FOR THIS FIC??????????????????????? I AM SHOCKED THAT I NEVER NOTICED (then again my email IS a mess. but) AND LIKE OMG. THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA. AAAAAA. I love like. fake marriage tropes, too, this is so, SO, GOOD.... I am so ashamed it took me this long to notice it, lol.
BUT ANYWAY omg I love where this story is going so far... I didn't expect it to turn into an /actual/ wedding celebration but it is also very amusing that it is. I love it. I really like how it's like being integrated in the story, too. This latest chapter was a delight too cause ahh the SLOW BURN HINTS and seeing more of Akatsuki's feelings on this whole ordeal was nice since so far she's just kinda been going along with everything (which is fine! I was just intrigued to see a bit more from her POV also, hehe). I do hope she finds a compromise on the dress thing... I look forward to it, heh.

Shinialene, Mar 24, 2020