a man had a dream about a woman and then he met her

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Title: a man had a dream about a woman and then he met her
Author(s): acidpop25
Date(s): Published: 2011-01-21
Length: 15,433 words
Genre(s): transfic
Fandom(s): Inception
External Links: link to AO3
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a man had a dream about a woman and then he met her by acidpop25 is a Arthur/Eames transfic, written for 2011 round of Inception Big Bang.


There's a lot no one knows about Arthur.

Reactions and Reviews

Brilliant. I loved it. It took me a few minutes to get used to Arthur as Arlet (FtM Arthur is so much more common) but after it clicked it just seemed so right and natural--just as it should be. Well done indeed.[1]

Absolutely beautiful. Unending thanks for writing this. Really, unending thanks. I'm afraid that I've just finished reading and I can't be more eloquent in my praise, but that you've written this piece, and so eloquently, is entirely appreciated. You have my love and thanks.[2]

This is just amazing.

You've approached the issue so well—I love that Eames is accepting, but still slips up at the beginning. So much love for Ariadne being both meddlesome and understanding. You wrote Theresa very well, and Cobb's reaction was so believable.

Great work![3]

I love this as much for characterization as I do for the subject matter, I must say. I don't read warnings for fics so I didn't know anything going in but I was still suspicious of Arthur's need for forgery. I had no idea that his secret would be that but it worked so beautifully and so honestly.

I loved how both Arlet and Eames (and other characters as well, but especially them) both were so human - Eames's reaction to kissing Arlet the first time and then Arlet's difficulty switching back to "Arthur" with Cobb after having the freedom to be who she is for such a prolonged period. I especially liked that you had them intimate in reality as well as the dream world - that was a lovely touch.

I really liked that Ariadne figured it out - and laughed, admittedly, at the "nosy" reference :D - so that Arlet had a female friend again. It was kind of painful to think of Mal & Arlet's relationship and who Mal was to her and how, after Mal's death, she had just pushed it all in and compartmentalized it so that she could help Cobb hold it together. She never got the chance to mourn her closest friend, the one person around whom she could be so completely herself.

ALSO! Thank you Cobb for apologizing! I think the way in which he reacted was very true to form for any long-term relationship where one person has to confess something deeply intimate and private - one always wants to be supportive but cannot help feel hurt at the thought that the other hadn't felt secure enough to share previously. I'm sure it was a lot more than that for Cobb but I love that he flew All the Way To Paris simply to apologize and make things right! :D

I don't want to babble all over this but I truly enjoyed this story and I just wanted to express this ... verbosely ;)

Thank you so much for sharing this! \o/[4]

I am not usually into transfic, mostly because I find a lot of it...not quite right and borderline offensive. But you- this is a masterpiece. I love everything about this- it's so believable- Eames' reactions, Ariadne, Cobb. So very honest and bare and real. Thank you for sharing this.[5]

This was not at all what I was expecting. I missread 'mtf' for 'ftm' so I was really thrown for a loop as the story was told. This was just amazing throughout though. I'm a little disappointed that you didn't go over Eames and Arlet's- adore the name by the way- sexual issue a bit more but I like how you made a point of going over the "I'm not gay" portion of their relationship. Each character's respective reactions fit their personalities well and Arlet's responses were great. Thank you for sharing this story with us readers[6]

You have left me speechless and torn up and completely in love. I love how Eames is here, so understanding, and his sister, his OTHER ultimate voice of reason. Arlet is genuinely baffled and emotional and gorgeous. I love how realistic this whole thing is, how TRULY it all rings. Marvelous, marvelous work, and I am so happy to have read it.[7]


  1. ^ "comment". Retrieved March 7, 2015.
  2. ^ "comment". Retrieved March 7, 2015.
  3. ^ "comment". Retrieved March 7, 2015.
  4. ^ "comment". Retrieved March 7, 2015.
  5. ^ "comment". Retrieved March 7, 2015.
  6. ^ "comment". Retrieved March 7, 2015.
  7. ^ "comment". Retrieved March 7, 2015.