A More Certain Path

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Title: A More Certain Path
Author(s): Master Eliz-mar Von
Date(s): 2000 or before
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
External Links: A More Certain Path

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A More Certain Path is a Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan story by Master Eliz-mar Von.

Summary: Thirteen-year-old Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi has made some really bad decisions. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn has fallen prey to some old fears. It's all uphill from there!

NOTE #1: This is written for all those who, like me, screamed in mock or otherwise rage at what happened in "Defenders of the Dead" between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. I know well that "An Uncertain Path", Jude Watson's JA #6 book, is coming out in January. I could NOT wait to see how Jude undoes/fixes their relationship. I do not expect to like the actual #6 book, but it doesn't matter - I've written MINE, and I'm hoping you will like how I've restored what was and hopefully made their relationship better.

NOTE #2: While I am primarily a slash writer, I did NOT intend to slash Master Qui-Gon Jinn with the thirteen-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi in this story!! What I've built between them MAY lead to something "more", but that may be far in the future when Obi-Wan is an adult. I intended only to get them closer to what Jude Watson describes in "Defenders of the Dead" as the "mind-communion" between Master and Padawan and the idea that they must "merge body and soul" with one another. Any slash potential is the only reason why I'm posting this to Master_Apprentice as well as the Jedi Apprentice list.

NOTE #3: If you have not read "Defenders of the Dead", you can still read this - I think you'll pick up enough of the gist as to what went "wrong" between them.

Recs and Reviews

The first story in the "Path to Oraclyne" series. This is a long, wonderful, very original series - I recommend the whole thing. This particular story is an alternative to JA #6, written as a direct response to #5 - and Master Eliz-Mar Von does it so much better.[1]

A beautiful response to the Jedi Apprentice novel #5, "The Defenders of The Dead" This is Eliz-mar's idea of what JA #6 *should* be and I can't help but heartily agree with her. Emotionally satisfying and wonderfully realized. Loved it![2]

A More Certain Path/Path To Oraclyne/Consolation/His Master's Hair by Master Eliz-mar Von In the first one, a wonderful story of Obi-Wan after the events of Jedi Apprentice 5 is told--how he really becomes Qui-Gon's padawan. In the second Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon discover that together they are something quite unusual.The last two are short sweet relationship pre-slash stories.[3]
