A Loaf of Bread and Thou

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Title: A Loaf of Bread and Thou
Author(s): hanarobi
Date(s): 2008
Length: 4279 words
Genre(s): crossover
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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"A Loaf of Bread and Thou" is a short story based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It was written by hanarobi as a sequel to lorie945's Wrightsville: Long Ago and Far Away, which hanarobi had beta-read. "A Loaf of Bread and Thou" was written as a contribution to the charity zine, For Lorie.

Like Lorie's novel, "A Loaf of Bread and Thou" is set in the fictional town of Wrightsville from the Ellery Queen mysteries. It takes place shortly after the war when Laurie and Ralph have moved to the United States. In "A Loaf of Bread and Thou", post-war attitudes complicate Laurie and Ralph's personal lives.


"A Loaf of Bread and Thou" inspired a number of comments, including:

  • "Thanks so much for posting this here, I was straight back in Wrightsville aain - and smiling at poor embarrassed Laurie! :)"—comment by trueriver
  • "very cool way of making a fic from the world of another fic! [...]"—comment by bijoux box
    • "I just loved Lorie's Wrightsville world so much that getting to back and play in the world she had created was one of the best writing experiences I have ever had. She made the world so real that all I had to do was close my eyes and type."—reply by hanarobi
      • "[...] the cool thing about TC fandom is that the fic writers really *love* the characters and have such a respect for the author that they go out of their way to write the characters in a fashion that is true to form, which makes for good reading. yours is no exception. brava!"—comment by bijoux box