A Higher Power

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Title: A Higher Power
Author(s): K Chaps
Date(s): 2006
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: The Original Series/Star Trek: TNG
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: A Higher Power, Side by Side Collection on AO3

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A Higher Power is a Kirk/Spock story by K Chaps.

It was published in the e-zine Side by Side #20 in late 2006.

Reactions and Reviews

I have a special fondness for "Q meets Kirk" stories. Add this trope to the list of "All the reasons Kirk is better than Picard..." It‘s no contest. Q might run rings around Jean-Luc, but he‘s never a match for James T. K‘Chaps "A Higher Power" is one of my favorites in this mini-genre. K‘Chaps has a spare, minimalist style. Not one word is out of place. [1]
