A Great And Gruesome Height

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Title: A Great and Gruesome Height
Author(s): Jae Gecko
Date(s): 20 December 2012
Length: 19,125 words
Genre(s): femslash
Fandom(s): Dar Williams songs, West Wing
External Links: A Great and Gruesome Height

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A Great and Gruesome Height is a fusion story about the narrator of the Dar Williams song "Iowa," set in the West Wing universe. No canon West Wing characters appear in the story, but it follows a Republican field campaigner in Iowa who falls in love with a Democratic field campaigner working on the first campaign of future President Jed Bartlet in 1998. It was written for pockyslash during Yuletide 2012.

The story's author, Jae Gecko, has specified that while it is set in her own Turningverse fanwork universe, "you can understand it just as easily without knowing the Turningverse at all, just as you can understand it just as easily without knowing the West Wing at all."[1]


  1. ^ "Yuletide 2012 reveal post". Retrieved January 21, 2016.